France: Day 3, Chartres

It’s been a great pace so far. No plans, no sched­ule, no goals, no stress. I did­n’t want to cram a bunch of activ­i­ties on this trip; I’d much rather take it easy and enjoy myself, so I can absorb as much of the cul­ture as pos­si­ble.

People would ask me if I was excit­ed to come here, and I could­n’t say that I was, prob­a­bly because there was­n’t any­thing spe­cif­ic I felt com­pelled to see. Sure, I’ll prob­a­bly end up vis­it­ing some of the touristy, must-see sites in Paris, but more impor­tant­ly, I want to live the life, to be a local for a while.

girl buying bread

The defin­i­tive image of France: a young girl dressed smart­ly in cha­peau and tights waves to the bak­er, who comes from around the counter to hold the door for her as she leaves the store. Of uncor­rupt­ed inno­cence, sim­ple rit­u­als, and fresh bread.


Entertaining. When you don’t know how many peo­ple are going to show up, you put out a lot of teacups.

corner building


Crafts store

Atelier Lisouire, a crafts store that cov­ers almost any craft you can think of, from scrap­book­ing to fine art to cal­lig­ra­phy. Un étage pour les loisirs-créat­ifs, la jon­g­lerie et les cerf-volants de sport.

cutting baguette

Stale baguettes are cut into cubes and used for sal­ads or soups.

Misun, Emmanuelle, and Frederic


bad parking

Nice park­ing, jerk­store.

family on street

A fam­i­ly moseys down a street. The mar­ket in Chartres is almost dead on Sundays until around noon, and it’s the per­fect time to go out with­out hav­ing to deal with the crush of peo­ple and cars.

feet on stones

The nar­row roads are often a patch­work of dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als, and some­times even dif­fer­ent stones.

flower market

Even on a cold and rainy day, the flower mar­ket is thriv­ing.

Frederic and Misun walking


house truffles

House truf­fles.

La Vieille Maison

La Vieille Maison, a restau­rant in a 14th cen­tu­ry house. Seen at the end of the alley is the Chartres Cathedral.

La Vieille Maison menu

Menu for La Vielle Maison.

Akio on the couch


Europe 2010 travel diaries


  1. Hey Jeff

    I can’t remem­ber how I stumpled upon your blog, but I have been fol­low­ing it for a few months now. Really enjoy read­ing it or should I say view it, since what caught my eye back when I first encoun­tered the blog, was your pho­tog­ra­phy. I real­ly like your style and they way you cap­ture almost any moment in a state of sta­tis. It is almost as if the world decid­ed to stop and let you take a pic­ture.

    Now I also have a small ques­tion! In the pic­ture you have tak­en of the street with the cob­ble­stones and your shoes. What kind of shoes are they? I real­ly like them, but I prob­a­bly will not be able to buy them in a store here in Denmark, so it will be a hunt on the inter­net to try to find then even­tu­al­ly.

    Warm regards,


    Copenhagen, Denmark

    • Thanks! I tend to be a poor pho­tog­ra­ph­er when it comes to sta­t­ic shots; I’m just not cre­ative in that way. But I found a knack for cap­tur­ing sub­tle moments when they’re happening…or maybe I’m just lucky, because it’s nev­er some­thing I can plan for.

      My shoes are Dr. Martens. They’re some­what expen­sive, but extreme­ly durable. I once wore a pair every day for about six years before the soles bare­ly start­ed to split. Since it’s such a big inter­na­tion­al brand, I’m sure you’ll have absolute­ly no prob­lem find­ing them wher­ev­er you are (I bought this pair in Hong Kong).

  2. Thanks for the quick reply! I’m sure I will be able to find known­ing they are Dr. Martens. I should have recog­nised that, since I have had quite a few pairs in years back.

    Enjoy your stay in France :)


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