France: Day 19, Chartres + Paris

Last day.

There was much left to do and see, but that’s all for anoth­er time.


Chartres view

Overlooking Chartres.

hanging animals

Pheasants and a boar hang from a butcher’s win­dow.

church restoration


1887 sign


Chartres bridge




wall statue

Embedded in a wall.

restaurant on water

A restau­rant on the water.

For lunch we sat at a won­der­ful brasserie, filled with geri­atric old ladies slow­ly enjoy­ing their after­noon meal.

bavette grillee, sauce vin rouge

Bavette gril­lée, sauce vin rouge. Yummy.

oeuf a la neige aux pralines

Oeuf à la neige aux pra­lines, or snow eggs with pra­lines. This was the most amaz­ing thing I ate in the entire trip. The eggs were a smooth meringue, float­ing in a pool of creamy cus­tard. As deli­cious as it was light.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Chartres

Arguably the most well-known part of Chartres is the cathe­dral, seen by many as the pin­na­cle of Gothic archi­tec­ture. It even gave the world a new colour, Chartres Blue, from the deep, intense blue found in much of the stained glass.

Chartres Cathedral - main hall

The main hall.

Chartres labyrinth model

Underneath all the seats in the main hall is a labyrinth used for pil­grim­ages, and once a month, the chairs are removed so devout Christians can slow­ly walk the path while pray­ing. This is the scale mod­el.

standing on labyrinth

Standing on the labyrinth path.

patron praying


Chartres Cathedral - stained glass detail

The stained glass was spared in both world wars due to a deci­sion to remove it piece-by-piece.

Chartres Cathedral - choir screen

The choir screen is made of 40 nich­es, each one con­tain­ing an intri­cate sculp­ture of scenes from the life of Madonna and Christ. If you did­n’t know how to read, this is one way you could learn the sto­ries of the bible.

Chartres Cathedral - choir screen detail


Chartres Cathedral - garden

The cathe­dral gar­den.

Chartres Cathedral - pillar sculpture


sundial statue



As we drove into Paris, Fédéric said, “Now we go see my mis­tress”. He lived there for 18 years, so he knows all the streets and land­marks. It was my only night in Paris, and a damp one at that. The pour­ing rain made it near­ly impos­si­ble to oper­ate my cam­era.

I lugged my huge tri­pod for the trip, and it was final­ly worth it to get these night shots.

Eiffel Tower 1


Eiffel Tower 2


Eiffel Tower 3


Eiffel Tower 4


Arc de Tromphe

Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile.

Luxor Obelisk

Luxor Obelisk in Place de la Concorde.

Avenue des Champs-Élysées

Avenue des Champs-Élysées.

Paris street


Galeries Lafayette

At Galeries Lafayette, a huge depart­ment store, the win­dow dis­plays are all changed to ani­ma­tron­ic pup­pets for the Christmas sea­son.

Europe 2010 travel diaries


  1. Gosh I love all the colours, has that rus­tic feel. Are you doing any­thing dif­fer­ent­ly? Or is that actu­al­ly how it looks? My cowork­er showed me how to play with the raw set­tings in the new Bridge for CS5. My project this year is to final­ly go through and edit my pho­tos now that they’re sort­ed. Although I do need a PC first.…but boy do I want your cam­era :P

    • I do both adjust­ment when ren­der­ing the pho­tos from RAW and post-pro­cess­ing in Photoshop. Even the best pho­tog­ra­phers I know will use both to get the shot they want. You’ll be glad you start­ed learn­ing RAW, there are so many advan­tages!

      Do you not have a com­put­er at all, or do you mean you need a PC vs a Mac?

  2. I don’t have a PC, kind of spilled water on my last per­son­al lap­top so that was fried. I have a net­book and a work lap­top, nei­ther of which will let me run Photoshop :p I’m work­ing on build­ing a PC even­tu­al­ly though, just kind of wait­ing.

    • Holy crap! I don’t think I’d sur­vive a day with­out my com­put­er that could run Photoshop.

  3. Thank you SO much for these pic­tures; I’ve been fed a lot of art his­to­ry on this site, but nev­er its actu­al feel­ing and lighting/mood. They always talk about it, the blue light, but I’ve nev­er seen it.

    This is first on my list of places when I return.

    • My pic­tures don’t do it justice…you’ll be stunned when you’re actu­al­ly there.

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