UK Detour: Day 16, Ullapool

We suc­cess­ful­ly wrapped up prin­ci­ple pho­tog­ra­phy the pre­vi­ous day, which freed up the next for get­ting b‑roll footage. This was also the day we had to make the 12 hour dri­ve back to London, and after all was said and done, this jour­ney began at 4pm.

It was just me and Mike on the way back, shar­ing more and more our­selves, as we dis­cov­ered that exhaus­tion makes the best inter­ro­ga­tion tool. We kept each oth­er awake for the entire dri­ve, though I start­ed hal­lu­ci­nat­ing by the last hour. By the end, I think we knew each oth­er bet­ter than some of our own friends.

baby crab

Found this baby crab on the beach, hid­ing in an oys­ter shell, and small enough to fit on the tip of my fin­ger.




Looks like the water’s reced­ed a good deal.


The GPS isn’t much use out here. No roads; it’s either land or lake.

heart rocks

Sally’s col­lec­tion of heart rocks.







big rig

With the big rig. Includes both the Zacuto fol­low-focus rig and the Marshall mon­i­tor.

One day bled into the next as we arrived back in London at 4:30 in the morn­ing. I had a train to catch in a few hours that would be the start of m trip back to Chartres, but not before wak­ing up to a kit­ty on my pil­low and a prop­er British break­fast.

British breakfast

Mike tells me his crew has these break­fast before big days of shoot­ing. Includes from tom (toma­to), but a bowl of pop­corn.

Europe 2010 travel diaries

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