
For over 15 years, EQUIVOCALITY has been the home of Jeff Ngan’s thoughts, expe­ri­ences, and projects.

Jeff Ngan

Jeff iden­ti­fies as a male of Chinese descent, a Taoist, and an inter­sec­tion­al fem­i­nist. His works con­sid­er depres­sion, inti­ma­cy, emo­tion, heal­ing, trav­el, iden­ti­ty, suf­fer­ing, desire, cul­ture, abuse, lone­li­ness, pas­sion, hope, plea­sure, race, music, inse­cu­ri­ty, love, trau­ma, sex, and vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty.


E‑mail: jeff@equivocality.com
Twitter: equiv­o­cal­i­ty
Vimeo: equiv­o­cal­i­ty