Call me McNgangus

Somehow, I end­ed up on the north­west coast of Scotland, with new friends, a much tighter sched­ule, and a re-affir­ma­tion of life.


Europe 2010 travel diaries


  1. I was won­der­ing where you’d got­ten off to! Can’t wait to hear how that hap­pened.

  2. Good. You are embrac­ing the spon­ta­neous part of trav­el­ling.

    • Just real­ized also that this is your 3rd week of trav­el. Have you noticed the “trav­el­er’s aura”?

      • Yeah, it only start­ed for me when I was on the train to the UK. That’s when I had the chance to sit down for a while and just reflect.

  3. I’d like to see your shot with the one above as a dip­tych.

    • That is an awe­some idea. I’ll have to see what I can do. I was tricked into “pos­ing” for this pic­ture actu­al­ly; Mike told me to change the set­tings on my cam­era to try anoth­er shot, and that’s when he snapped this with his iPhone 4.

  4. Oh MAN I am super jeal­ous now. Fantastic : ) Next time I trav­el you’re going to have to fill me in on snags and plus­es, since that was already high on my list of nexts!

    • Scotland was top on my list of places to trav­el too. I’m not sure what advice I can give, as every­one was super friend­ly, and there was noth­ing I felt that I had to wor­ry about. I guess my top rec­om­men­da­tion would be to get a nice cam­era, because the scenery is sim­ply breath­tak­ing.

  5. I love this pic­ture of you Jeff and I enjoyed read­ing your recent trav­el posts.
    My lit­tle trav­el bug is no so lit­tle any­more!

    • Thanks…looking back on these pic­tures makes me wish I nev­er left!

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