Baby Scary Party

Leave it to Fédéric and Misun to host an awe­some cos­tume par­ty, even though Halloween was over two weeks ago. They decid­ed to have a par­ty any­way, in a part of town where they only had two trick-or-treaters. There was quite a decent turnout (about 40 chil­dren) with­out hav­ing done any adver­tis­ing, save for a fli­er on their door, and I’m sure they all left tired and full from numer­ous sweets.

Of note is the wood­en cas­tle in the back­yard, which Fédéric built for the kids, and which they quite appro­pri­ate­ly adored.

Europe 2010 travel diaries


  1. I am amazed at your tal­ent for shoot­ing the per­fect video for the per­fect song. I love your style!

  2. Terrific film/music com­bi­na­tion! Kodak would have loved it.

    I can’t believe 1) they have that much space in their back­yard and 2) how COOL that cas­tle play­house is! Akio is very lucky!

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