The second set of my house pictures. I’d lived in that house for so long, I grew accustomed to it’s beauty. It’s only after living in student housing, residence, town houses, that I understand how well off I had it at home. My favourite picture is the one with the koala statue, which I bought while vacationing in Sydney. The colours are just perfect, and I like how the candlesticks stretch out in subtle arches, as if they were bending outwards.
Monthly Archives: December 2004
A Few Memories Of Home, Part 1
I decided to make the best of my time while I’m home for the holidays and borrow my dad’s EOS Digital Rebel, just like last December when I was in Hong Kong. I swear, the urge to buy one of these is overwhelming, and I was very seriously considering it until I realized that I can make due with my S410 Elph until I have cash to drop on a nice SLR.
Almost every room at home has a different mood and style, which is really what I tried to capture in the pictures, whether it’s due to the wall colour (most prominent), the furniture, or the lighting. This is part one of two; I have another set of pictures that’s comprised mainly of various objects around the house, instead of general settings of this set.
It Doesn't Feel Like Christmas
This doesn’t feel like Christmas to me. I’m not sure why, but the fact that it’s so close to the 25th still hasn’t clicked in yet. Maybe it’s because I decided not to buy presents for anyone this year. Maybe it’s because this is my first year working full-time and I’m used to having a longer running break before the big two-five. Maybe it’s because I’ve been too busy to relax, running around, making plans at the last second. This is usually my favourite time of the year, but I haven’t had any time to enjoy it.
I had the hardest time deciding on what to do for new years. At first, I was just going to spend it by myself at my apartment. I don’t really have a reason to celebrate, and if I was, it would be with my five closest friends ONLY so that I wouldn’t have to deal with ANY moronic people. The only problem is that three of them won’t even be in the city, and the other two are too social to be spending it with me and my select company. Perhaps one year, my friends will indulge me (after tiring of large parties) and we will have an intimate gathering. I think I’ll start planning for next year before everyone moves off to start their careers and their families.
Aaron expressed his desire for my attendance at his new years celebration and I eventually agreed. I was hesitant at first, because, to be honest, I haven’t enjoyed the company Aaron has had over for his dinners lately. I’m one who’s always believed that it’s the company that makes things enjoyable, not the activities. Stick me in a room with my friends and we can have fun doing anything. Stick me in a room with a single person I dislike, and I’ll be miserable no matter what. The agitating guests aren’t Aaron’s fault, of course, or the fault of the guests themselves. I’m an intolerant person.
And I’m working on it.
So, what I meant to say was that I got a haircut. Due to a series of bad experiences, I generally don’t trust women to cut my hair, but Josée is different. She’s sarcastically funny, she’s cute (Trolley thinks her eyes stand out the most), and she does a great job with texture. I also feel comfortable sitting in her chair, talking or not, and don’t have to worry about her thinking that I’m trying to get in her pants (a worry, due to yet another series of bad experiences) because she’s not stupidly fucking self-absorbed like so many other girls are.
What I really wanted to talk about, though, is the discount she told the receptionist to give me. The discount came in the form of student rates, although I’m not a student anymore, and she knows this because we discussed it during the texturizing process. I’m not sure if she did it knowingly and I don’t like to take advantage of anyone, but I also don’t want to mention the fact that I don’t deserve the discount in case she did it on purpose. I thought about it for a few days, and eventually decided that she most likely acted out of generosity, and the next time it happens, I would leave her an extra tip so she could share in that generosity.
Trailer Park Awesome
I was planning on writing something else, but had the suggen urge to confess that I was watching Trailer Park Boys with four other guys yesterday and it was the Christmas special where Jono is all preppy and Randy is giving handjobs for cheeseburgers before he becomes assistant superintendent, when Bubbles is sitting with his present in his lap given to him by his parents before they left him when he was young, and Ricky tells him to open it because they’re his family, so I started to cry but no one noticed, and I can’t stop thinking about how fucking stupid it is, and I wonder if anyone ever believes me or thinks I’m doing it for attention or whatever because it makes no fucking sense to me.