Monthly Archives: December 2004

A Few Memories Of Home, Part 2

Thumbnail: The alcohol wall
Thumbnail: Fall petals
Thumbnail: Dried flowers
Thumbnail: More dried flowers
Thumbnail: Koala bear statue
Thumbnail: Perfume collection
Thumbnail: Piano
Thumbnail: Teapot collection

The sec­ond set of my house pic­tures. I’d lived in that house for so long, I grew accus­tomed to it’s beau­ty. It’s only after liv­ing in stu­dent hous­ing, res­i­dence, town hous­es, that I under­stand how well off I had it at home. My favourite pic­ture is the one with the koala stat­ue, which I bought while vaca­tion­ing in Sydney. The colours are just per­fect, and I like how the can­dle­sticks stretch out in sub­tle arch­es, as if they were bend­ing out­wards.

A Few Memories Of Home, Part 1

Thumbnail: Living room couch
Thumbnail: Home theatre couch
Thumbnail: Couch cushions
Thumbnail: Dining room candles
Thumbnail: Family room candles
Thumbnail: Flower pot
Thumbnail: Bathroom mirror
Thumbnail: Entrance tiles

I decid­ed to make the best of my time while I’m home for the hol­i­days and bor­row my dad’s EOS Digital Rebel, just like last December when I was in Hong Kong. I swear, the urge to buy one of these is over­whelm­ing, and I was very seri­ous­ly con­sid­er­ing it until I real­ized that I can make due with my S410 Elph until I have cash to drop on a nice SLR.

Almost every room at home has a dif­fer­ent mood and style, which is real­ly what I tried to cap­ture in the pic­tures, whether it’s due to the wall colour (most promi­nent), the fur­ni­ture, or the light­ing. This is part one of two; I have anoth­er set of pic­tures that’s com­prised main­ly of var­i­ous objects around the house, instead of gen­er­al set­tings of this set.

It Doesn't Feel Like Christmas

This does­n’t feel like Christmas to me. I’m not sure why, but the fact that it’s so close to the 25th still has­n’t clicked in yet. Maybe it’s because I decid­ed not to buy presents for any­one this year. Maybe it’s because this is my first year work­ing full-time and I’m used to hav­ing a longer run­ning break before the big two-five. Maybe it’s because I’ve been too busy to relax, run­ning around, mak­ing plans at the last sec­ond. This is usu­al­ly my favourite time of the year, but I haven’t had any time to enjoy it.

I had the hard­est time decid­ing on what to do for new years. At first, I was just going to spend it by myself at my apart­ment. I don’t real­ly have a rea­son to cel­e­brate, and if I was, it would be with my five clos­est friends ONLY so that I would­n’t have to deal with ANY moron­ic peo­ple. The only prob­lem is that three of them won’t even be in the city, and the oth­er two are too social to be spend­ing it with me and my select com­pa­ny. Perhaps one year, my friends will indulge me (after tir­ing of large par­ties) and we will have an inti­mate gath­er­ing. I think I’ll start plan­ning for next year before every­one moves off to start their careers and their fam­i­lies.

Aaron expressed his desire for my atten­dance at his new years cel­e­bra­tion and I even­tu­al­ly agreed. I was hes­i­tant at first, because, to be hon­est, I haven’t enjoyed the com­pa­ny Aaron has had over for his din­ners late­ly. I’m one who’s always believed that it’s the com­pa­ny that makes things enjoy­able, not the activ­i­ties. Stick me in a room with my friends and we can have fun doing any­thing. Stick me in a room with a sin­gle per­son I dis­like, and I’ll be mis­er­able no mat­ter what. The agi­tat­ing guests aren’t Aaron’s fault, of course, or the fault of the guests them­selves. I’m an intol­er­ant per­son.

And I’m work­ing on it.


So, what I meant to say was that I got a hair­cut. Due to a series of bad expe­ri­ences, I gen­er­al­ly don’t trust women to cut my hair, but Josée is dif­fer­ent. She’s sar­cas­ti­cal­ly fun­ny, she’s cute (Trolley thinks her eyes stand out the most), and she does a great job with tex­ture. I also feel com­fort­able sit­ting in her chair, talk­ing or not, and don’t have to wor­ry about her think­ing that I’m try­ing to get in her pants (a wor­ry, due to yet anoth­er series of bad expe­ri­ences) because she’s not stu­pid­ly fuck­ing self-absorbed like so many oth­er girls are.

What I real­ly want­ed to talk about, though, is the dis­count she told the recep­tion­ist to give me. The dis­count came in the form of stu­dent rates, although I’m not a stu­dent any­more, and she knows this because we dis­cussed it dur­ing the tex­tur­iz­ing process. I’m not sure if she did it know­ing­ly and I don’t like to take advan­tage of any­one, but I also don’t want to men­tion the fact that I don’t deserve the dis­count in case she did it on pur­pose. I thought about it for a few days, and even­tu­al­ly decid­ed that she most like­ly act­ed out of gen­eros­i­ty, and the next time it hap­pens, I would leave her an extra tip so she could share in that gen­eros­i­ty.

Trailer Park Awesome

I was plan­ning on writ­ing some­thing else, but had the sug­gen urge to con­fess that I was watch­ing Trailer Park Boys with four oth­er guys yes­ter­day and it was the Christmas spe­cial where Jono is all prep­py and Randy is giv­ing hand­jobs for cheese­burg­ers before he becomes assis­tant super­in­ten­dent, when Bubbles is sit­ting with his present in his lap giv­en to him by his par­ents before they left him when he was young, and Ricky tells him to open it because they’re his fam­i­ly, so I start­ed to cry but no one noticed, and I can’t stop think­ing about how fuck­ing stu­pid it is, and I won­der if any­one ever believes me or thinks I’m doing it for atten­tion or what­ev­er because it makes no fuck­ing sense to me.