I was planning on writing something else, but had the suggen urge to confess that I was watching Trailer Park Boys with four other guys yesterday and it was the Christmas special where Jono is all preppy and Randy is giving handjobs for cheeseburgers before he becomes assistant superintendent, when Bubbles is sitting with his present in his lap given to him by his parents before they left him when he was young, and Ricky tells him to open it because they’re his family, so I started to cry but no one noticed, and I can’t stop thinking about how fucking stupid it is, and I wonder if anyone ever believes me or thinks I’m doing it for attention or whatever because it makes no fucking sense to me.
Dude that was rough reading right thurr. ;-;
Am I the only one who hasn’t heard of that show?
The thing is, do you live in Canada?
Ahh, Canadian tv. So much for my Canadian media knowledge.
Woah, a cosplayer who comments with Chingy references. COOL.
Trailer Park Boys is becoming very popular in the States. That’s why they separated the Canadian forum from the US forum on the website (I think the US is a few seasons behind).
lol …the “loadin this pimp up” load screen on that site was good for a nice laugh. I am a fan of Lil Jon’s ridiculous website. And dude, I am the most realest cosplayer EVER… well, maybe except for this chick PositiveSpace. She is like super hip hop cosplayer ichiban. But seriously, I am fresh to death.
And…isn’t it “whoa” ?? Or is that something American or…?