I decided to make the best of my time while I’m home for the holidays and borrow my dad’s EOS Digital Rebel, just like last December when I was in Hong Kong. I swear, the urge to buy one of these is overwhelming, and I was very seriously considering it until I realized that I can make due with my S410 Elph until I have cash to drop on a nice SLR.
Almost every room at home has a different mood and style, which is really what I tried to capture in the pictures, whether it’s due to the wall colour (most prominent), the furniture, or the lighting. This is part one of two; I have another set of pictures that’s comprised mainly of various objects around the house, instead of general settings of this set.
I think the ability of making an ugly subject beautiful will come easily to you.
Your photographs are stunning. They are saturated with a sense of style and beauty that betray someone with a great sense of aesthetic.
Wow, thanks a lot to the both of you, but I think that the camera did most of the work. It’s hard to take a bad picture with the Rebel. If I did smiley faces I’d put one here.