Posts tagged with "portrait"

The Itanis


Thumbnail: Rana, Al
Thumbnail: Tamara 2
Thumbnail: Al, Abdallah, Omar
Thumbnail: Tamara 3
Thumbnail: Abdallah, Al

Taking por­traits of fam­i­lies is a lot hard­er than I expect­ed. It’s not so much the amount of light and large depth-of-field required (although that does play a part), but the fact that there are so many things going on at once. Getting every­one to co-ordi­nate what they’re doing becomes expo­nen­tial­ly dif­fi­cult with every extra per­son. And if only one per­son blinks, the pho­to is ruined.

Thumbnail: Tamara laughing 1
Thumbnail: Tamara laughing 2
Thumbnail: Tamara laughing 3
Thumbnail: Tamara laughing 4
Thumbnail: Tamara laughing 5

One of the biggest assets a pho­tog­ra­ph­er can have is a sense of humour. If you can make your mod­el laugh, you low­er their appre­hen­sive­ness, which brings down their guard and pro­vides you with much more nat­ur­al expres­sions. Not to men­tion the fact that it’s a plea­sure to see some­one smil­ing or laugh­ing.

Agnes and Sophia

Agnes face

Thumbnail: Sophia from front
Thumbnail: Agnes from above
Thumbnail: Sophia from above
Thumbnail: Agnes profile
Thumbnail: Sophia profile
Thumbnail: Agnes side bust
Thumbnail: Sophia side bust

Still play­ing around with black-and-white tones. This time, I went with less con­trast, so more of a low-key feel, not just in the over­all scene but in the fig­ures them­selves. In doing so, the tex­ture isn’t so blown-out as in my pre­vi­ous black-and-whites.

I love the dreamy look of high-key, but for more focus on facial fea­tures, I’m start­ing to turn to a greater range of light.

Agnes and Sophia being silly

Thumbnail: Agnes and Sophia faces
Thumbnail: Agnes and Sophia back-to-back
Thumbnail: Agnes and Sophia faces
Thumbnail: Agnes and Sophia being silly
Thumbnail: Agnes and Sophia piggy back

In return for mod­el­ing for some of my oth­er projects, I agreed to give Agnes and Soph some por­traits. Siblings are gen­er­al­ly easy to work with. There’s a com­fort­ing famil­iar­i­ty that lets them act nat­u­ral­ly togeth­er. To tell them apart, one sim­ply has to observe how dif­fer­ent­ly each acts in front of a cam­era.

Sarah and Louise

Sarah and Louise kiss

There’s a tremen­dous bond between moth­er and daugh­ter, some­thing unmatched by fathers and sons, or even mixed-sex parental rela­tion­ships. You can see it just from the way they inter­act.

As a male, I’ll prob­a­bly nev­er be able to ful­ly under­stand, but being able to rec­og­nize it and know­ing that such a won­der­ful thing still exists is enough to make me feel as if the world is in the right place.

A cou­ple more pic­tures behind the cut.

Continue read­ing “Sarah and Louise”…


Glamourous Paige

Thumbnail: Innocent Paige
Thumbnail: Paige's smirk
Thumbnail: Hopeful Paige
Thumbnail: Mischievous Paige
Thumbnail: Model Paige's
Thumbnail: Paige's purse
Thumbnail: Muted Paige
Thumbnail: Stoic Paige
Thumbnail: Paige's eyes
Thumbnail: Three quarters Paige

Usually I don’t post this many pic­tures of one shoot of a sin­gle per­son because there’s often a lot of redun­dan­cy, but Paige has a thou­sand expres­sions that must be cap­tured and shown to the world.

There’s a com­plex­i­ty in her face that betrays the lay­ers and lay­ers of her char­ac­ter. By turns ebul­lient, hope­ful, play­ful, and uncer­tain — every frame is dif­fer­ent. I feel like I could write an essay on her look alone.

Best viewed on large and on black, of course, so click the pic­tures. Commentary at full size.

Portraits of Tiana

Tiana smiles

If you gave me the hypo­thet­i­cal option of pho­tograph­ing any­one I want­ed, I’d ask if it could be some­one who had already passed away. If so, I’d choose a Byronic hero like Mikhail Lermontov, or anoth­er one of the 19th cen­tu­ry Russian Romantics, or even Lord Byron him­self.

If I could choose some­one liv­ing though, I’d choose Tiana.

Continue read­ing “Portraits of Tiana”…