the charms of our idle dreary days

Don’t have much to say late­ly. Sometimes I get stuck at the title.

I’ve been hold­ing off on start­ing var­i­ous class­es cause I’m not quite into my reg­u­lar pace of life. I’m still rid­ing the crests of over-stim­u­la­tion from my trip, not yet ready to be rou­tine­ly see­ing peo­ple. Consequently, this means I lose sense of time, week­ly class­es once being my anchor points for cer­tain days of the week.

Ottawa balanced art sculptures/Sculptures en Pierre Équilibrée


I always look for­ward to grey and drea­ry days, when it’s the per­fect excuse to stay inside and just tin­ker on the gui­tar.

I nev­er feel lone­ly any­more. I’m too com­fy in the house, too occu­pied with this sense of hedo­nism, too busy pour­ing myself into my projects, too spoiled by life I’m liv­ing, too blessed by the cards I was dealt. Sometimes I end up park­ing my car at a strange angle one could nev­er hope to repli­cate, and I’m sure this is how my neigh­bours can tell I haven’t been out in more than a week.


The Hintonburger: a six ounce hand­made local beef pat­ty with bacon, cheese, sig­na­ture bar­beque sauce, and fuck yeah.

All I ever want­ed was a lit­tle bit of peace. Now that I’ve found it, I’ve stopped think­ing about the future. Right now is good enough.


  1. Oh hin­ton­burg­er… some­day I will eat you!

    • There’s enough meat in this burg­er to break your veg­e­tar­i­an cher­ry, even if you’ve already start­ed eat­ing meat again. Which means I’m going with you.

      • I bought 3 groupons for the Aubrey’s by her shop deal. My meat cher­ry is popped. But I’m DEFINITELY down for A Hintoburger lunch excur­sion.

      • Butcher shop… iPhone gaff

    • Is it the bacon that’s teas­ing you? Mmmmm.…baaaaaaaaaacon.

  2. …and fuck yeah.”

    Just because of that I’ll have to try this burg­er when I vis­it Ottawa. :)

    • Yes you do. I’ve had four in the last two months, this sum­mer being the first time I’ve been intro­duced to them. You’ll be stuff­ing your suit­cas­es with them before going home.

  3. Love the image of a neigh­bour’s car parked errat­i­cal­ly for a week. And the image of a Hintonburger in my mouth.

    Tiana, I bought 4 Aubrey’s groupons, I win!

    • We are total­ly pick­ing up Hintonburgers next time. They also have great pou­tine, but I don’t think my stom­ach can han­dle that and the onslaught of every­thing else we seem to put in our bod­ies.

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