I generally loathe such arbitrary measures of time, but the fact of the matter remains that there were some fairly important things that happened in my life within the last 365.
I had my first art gallery exhibition. So far, I’ve sold 12 pieces, which I’m ecstatic about. I’ve also since become good friends with the gallery owners, Frédéric and Misun.
I started — and finished — pyschoanalytic therapy. After my crippling panic attack exactly one year ago, I was encouraged to seek some help, and this therapy ended up going much, much deeper. I wasn’t scared in my relationships because I didn’t realize how much baggage I had. But now I know.
I got my second tattoo. This significant thing about this is that it’s probably my last tattoo. After the first one, I finally feel complete (and symmetrical).
I got a car. And I’m loving the freedom. After buying my house and being gainfully employed, a car was the only thing left. This means I can buy large items, I don’t have to depend on friends to get me places inaccessible by bus, I can go home from parties when I want, and awesome road trips out of town.
I kissed her and she kissed me back. Sometimes, there’s nothing more important than having the right girl kiss you the right way.
I released version 10.0. This was by far the most popular design of my site, being featured at places like Perishable Press’s Web Design Showcase and at the top of Crestock’s 13 Minimalist Blog Designs You Really Should See. Unfortunately, this also meant I higher profile, and more attempts by people to copy it.
I went through a course of Isotretinoin. This effectively ended my acne, which became a pretty big problem in the last year. It’s a wonderful feeling to wake up and not have to worry about what my face was going to look like.
I got this letter from a reader. I receive many letters and comments, which I greatly appreciate, but this one really stuck out because something that I created had affected someone in an intensely positive way. I hope to be able to do this again some day.
Quite a significant year, and the therapy is one achievement that has long lasting effects. Happy new year.
Of course, it could always be said that in a way, everything has long lasting effects. :)
Jeff, I’m glad I discovered your blog this year. I’ve read many of your past entries. I love your writing, photography and design. I wish you an even better year in 09.
Thanks for your comment and well-wishes. Like you, I’m glad we found each other too.
It was huge, wasn’t it. Sorry I haven’t been writing as much on my own. I’ve been rather at sea all year. I shan’t wish you happy new year until the 26th of January though. : )
P.S. I just have to add after looking back at the tatoo links that your wrists are just so friggin cute.
Certainly, a lot of news has made headlines this year. It definitely wasn’t a big year for only me.
Happy New Year man. All the best from me and Steph :)
Thanks man, and a happy new year to you guys too.