I connect with Frédéric and Misun in two very different ways.
With Frédéric, we relate through our emotions, our drive, and the need to express ourselves. We also have a tendency to feel like outsiders, perhaps because we’re often judged or misunderstood. In this way we comfort each other, because it’s as if we feel less odd or alone.
Misun, on the other hand, is like my big sister. She cares about me, takes an interest in what I do, and gives me advice the way I imagine a sibling does. I can share my insecurities, my dreams, my feelings with her, as if I’ve known her my entire life.
Together, they encourage and support me, although never to the point of flattery. In this way, I know that I can trust them to be honest; something increasingly rare nowadays, as people hide behind smiles and empty words. When I’m with them, I feel like I’m wholly understood and accepted.
I always leave their house with a tremendous sense of hope, because they believe in me the way no one else ever has.
That was really nicely written!
You did put so much feeling in that sort piece of text!
Keep on writing!
They both sounds like soul gems to you. Good to hear.
How lucky you are to know such people! Friends like these are hard to find. I have been lucky in that respect as my very best friend has been with me for 23 years. Its strange how we are so different from one another but when we get together we complement the other. Kind of balances things out and I never feel out of tune or like I don’t belong. Even being 1000 miles away from me hasn’t affected our relationship. Nurture those relationships.….they will be with you for the long haul.
@Pepijn — Thanks!
@Pearl — Never heard the term “soul gems” before, but I assume it’s a term for people who are meant to be together but not romantically involved (which would be “soul mates”).
@Lucy — Wow…I can’t imagine knowing anyone for 23 years. I find relationships between people who compliment each other are the strongest. Pat recently explained to me how true friends are people who don’t let time or distance away affect the relationship, and oddly enough, I never really knew that until now.