The Beginning To The End

This was the week­end we first met.

The first time we kissed. The first time we held each oth­er. The first time we slept with arms entwined, bod­ies bare and buried under the cov­ers.

It was before the snow melt­ed on the verge of spring, when I would open the win­dows to dry the sweat from our skin.

I put on a song that made me cry, because she said that it turned her on, and with the tears welling up in my lids, we stared into each oth­ers’ eyes.

From the moment we touched, there was nev­er any awk­ward­ness. Only a com­plete trust, a com­fort­ing famil­iar­i­ty, as if we’d known each oth­er for years, a gen­tle nuz­zle of the nose from my baby-faced doll.

And now it’s over.

Someone who saw this video sent me this very touch­ing let­ter about her sto­ry of rape and recov­ery.


  1. Beautiful video.. I’m sor­ry that you have lost what was very pre­cious to you.

    The song is real­ly beau­ti­ful as well.. who sings it & what is the title?

  2. Perhaps this is part of the mem­o­ry you were talk­ing about (on Bitter(sweet) Memories in Blogchaat).

    Is the song by Iron and Wine?

  3. great post… well writ­ten.

  4. doh.. that’s sad. i hope you’re alright. hang in there :)

    i might be the only one won­der­ing, but how did you record these videos ?

  5. I came to return the favour of a com­ment, but I did­n’t expect it to be so sad. It’s hard to know what to say to some­one who has lost some­thing so impor­tant. It looks like you have some very spe­cial mem­o­ries. Will be check­ing back to see how you’re doing.

  6. I just want­ed to say that this was an extreme­ly well writ­ten post!
    I might just have to check back on your blog again. And, I hope it all work out well.

  7. Thanks for all your com­ments and con­cerns. The song is Naked As We Came, by Iron and Wine. I’ve had a few peo­ple ask me how the video was made, so I’ll briefly explain here:

    • The cam­era was mount­ed to a shelf above my bed, using a strip of sheet met­al wrapped around it
    • All footage was tak­en in one morn­ing
    • The cam­era used was a Hitachi DZ-MV550A
    • The video was con­vert­ed to AVI using AVS Media Converter, before edit­ing in Adobe Premier 2.0
  8. All end­ings are begin­nings seen from the oth­er side of life’s curi­ous mir­ror.
    Damn, I just opened my mouth and that flowed out of my fin­gers. Freaking pro­found…

  9. A very spe­cial mem­o­ry.

  10. I read your blog from present back­wards, think­ing I was peek­ing in the win­dow of a famil­liar young per­son­’s mind.

    I read a mon­th’s back and felt a hurt and hon­est heart all too famil­liar, even to Hong Kong…

    I saw this pic­ture above not real­iz­ing it was film, so beau­ti­ful I want­ed to have it. It moved and filled my ears and the words land­ed on my expec­ta­tions just as I knew they would (yes I knew it was) and I was sure I found a soul I should have met many years ago, per­haps well before you were born.

    I am so hap­py you exist.

    Give me the name Uncle calls you?

  11. Thank you, Xibee, those are some of the nicest things any­one has ever said to me. It’s com­fort­ing to know that there are peo­ple I can relate to, and whom can relate to me.

    My uncle still calls me by my Chinese name, which I don’t how to write, but some­times he calls me Jeff.

  12. Another beau­ti­ful song:

    But touch my tears with your lips
    Touch my world with your fin­ger­tips
    And we can have for­ev­er
    And we can love for­ev­er
    Forever is our today

    Forever by Queen.

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