Monthly Archives: November 2003

A Birthday Present

Dina bought me a plat­inum GBA SP! I can’t believe it; I actu­al­ly gasped when I fig­ured out what it was. It’s been a pret­ty rough day, so this was a real­ly nice sur­prise. I can bring it with me on my trip to Hong Kong so I can play on the plane. Now I want to buy so many games, like the sequel to Paper Mario on N64, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga, Fire Emblem, Tony Hawk’s Underground, and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. There are actu­al­ly more I would buy if I won the lot­tery, but for now, I can down­load a few and upload them to my flash car­tridge with the link­er.

The Animal Hospital Can Suck My Balls

I had to can­cel the vet appoint­ment today, and spoke on the phone with one of the nurs­es. Even though I apol­o­gized for can­celling at the last sec­ond, she took an extreme­ly patron­iz­ing tone with me. She assumed that a pos­si­ble emer­gency slot and UTI writ­ten down next to Patches name meant that he need­ed to seek imme­di­ate med­ical treat­ment. She had no idea how much mon­ey it costs me, how dif­fi­cult it is for me to get a ride there, how the con­di­tions of Patches behav­iour have changed since mak­ing the appoint­ment, how much I care for my cats, how much I’ve done to make sure they’re healthy and hap­py. When I can­celed, she assumed that I was just anoth­er nov­el­ty pet own­er who could­n’t be both­ered to care for his pet after real­iz­ing how much work it actu­al­ly is. She did­n’t even know why I can­celled.

It’s too bad that the doc­tors are so amaz­ing at this hos­pi­tal, while the interns are such bitch­es. I actu­al­ly had to men­tal­ly pre­pare for this vis­it yes­ter­day, to deal with the peo­ple involved, and even with my men­tal wall I still feel so fuck­ing angry and drained. This is why I hate peo­ple.

The New Freedom

I did­n’t mean to talk about this so soon, but after con­tem­plat­ing this sub­ject for a while I feel as if I’ve done enough think­ing to prop­er­ly speak about it. I do feel like my mind is clear on this issue, that I’ve giv­en myself enough time to under­stand things well from as many aspects as pos­si­ble. This is some­thing that I had­n’t real­ly thought about in more than half a year, but more recent events have sort of spurred my mind on the sub­ject again.

Hah. It’s almost humourous, how imma­ture I seem back then to myself now, that it has­n’t even been an entire year and yet my mind­set has changed com­plete­ly in a total­ly dif­fer­ent direc­tion. I used to be so scared that I was indeli­bly affect­ed by a past expe­ri­ence, that I could nev­er change what I felt and thought. And yet I feel as if I see things much more clear­ly now. I feel less bur­dened, less biased, less neg­a­tive.

This does­n’t even have any­thing to do with hope or with chance, things which I dwelt on so much before. I’ve been able to see past these mat­ters, and free­dom from such things is great. Odd, that an expe­ri­ence that may have dam­aged or dis­cour­aged me has been able to resolve all my wor­ries.

And now, what has changed?

I’ve done what I thought I would nev­er do again.

Patches Keeps Pooing

I’m bring­ing Patches to the vet on Wednesday with Trolley’s help. He’s been shit­ting on the car­pet fair­ly con­sis­tent­ly, in front of Nick’s blue couch. At least he stopped uri­nat­ing, which was much more dif­fi­cult to deal with. I doubt this entire thing is health relat­ed because he does­n’t seem to be in any pain, although cats are known to hide their pain very well. Dolly still attacks him and has some­how become the alpha male of the house. Patches will back off if she wants food but he’s already eat­ing. I wish I could keep him because he’s a very affec­tion­ate cat who’s too old to be moved around any­more, but I think he’s unhap­py here. Rob will hope­ful­ly end up adopt­ing him, because he also grew up with Patches when he was grow­ing up with Aaron.