Posts tagged with "attractiveness"


I’ve been blessed with friends who paint, sculpt, carve, design, sing, and com­pose, and I’ve been for­tu­nate enough to find a print­er and framer who are artists them­selves in what they do. Even though they have dif­fer­ent medi­ums and ways of express­ing them­selves, they’re all dri­ven by a sense of pas­sion. Some can explain where it comes from, some can’t, but you can tell it’s root­ed deep with­in their beings.

Passionate peo­ple have always attract­ed me. When you talk to them, you become filled with ebul­lient ener­gy. You feed off each oth­er, like a dia­logue of ideas and inspi­ra­tion.

It’s warm­ing. It’s mov­ing.

Together, you become some­thing that’s greater than you are by your­self.

The Eyes

The eyes

The first thing I notice about a girl is her face, but the eyes are what hold my atten­tion.

Especially eyes like this.

Big, round, and pure. They’re the ulti­mate sign of fem­i­nin­i­ty, because they con­vey inno­cence, youth, vital­i­ty.

Sometimes, the most inti­mate and per­son­al thing you can do — from hav­ing a con­ver­sa­tion to mak­ing love — is make eye-con­tact.

Tears as a Turn-On

It became painful­ly obvi­ous that my turn-on of girls cry­ing is relat­ed to my own pen­chant for sad love­mak­ing.

I’ve always liked the idea of bring­ing some­one from tears to bliss­ful phys­i­cal plea­sure. Like make-up sex with­out the fight­ing.

A girl was able to do that for me once, so I’ve always want­ed to be able to do it for some­one else.

Either that, or my sad­ness is min­gling with my lust.

All Work And No Play

I’m sit­ting on my chaise in the dark, Macbook Pro in lap, cur­tains open to the snow out­side. Every now and then, the wind catch­es a loose patch of snow, and it sounds like sand drag­ging along the ground out­side. If you close your eyes, it’s like you’re sit­ting on a beach at low-tide under a night sky.

I haven’t done this in a while.

The show is over. There’s sup­posed to be one more inter­view next week, but at least I can breathe now. I’ve final­ly had time to clean the house, which is prob­a­bly why I feel com­fort­able enough to write.

There are icons for movies on my desk­top, ones I’ve start­ed watch­ing but haven’t fin­ished, because I haven’t been able to emo­tion­al­ly invest in them. I did, how­ev­er, get a chance to watch Cidade de Deus which is the best movie I’ve seen in months, and Constantine, pure­ly for the Tilda-Swinton-as-angel fac­tor.

Tilda Swinton in Constantine

I real­ized that I like girls who look like boys. I hope this does­n’t mean I’m gay.

On a sticky, I seem to have writ­ten “a small pair of skis”. I don’t remem­ber doing this, or what for. There’s also a phone num­ber there with no name. I want to call the num­ber to find out who it is, but I’d just hang up if some­one answered and that’d be rude.

I should call Dan. I should reor­ga­nize my pho­tos for appro­pri­ate back­up. I should be prac­tic­ing Tai Chi. I should be hav­ing more fun. I should be fill­ing out my thought record work­sheets.

But right now, I should real­ly be in bed.