There’s a fundraiser for Haitian earthquake survivors at the Cube Gallery happening in two weeks. An auction will be held after the viewing, and any money raised from the auction will go to the Red Cross. I’ve donated one of my favourite photos, the very first print of “Carrot Feet” (to which I hold much sentimental attachment), to the cause. I’m also going to personally extend this to all other prints from my Fruit and Body series, so if you purchase a print between now and the auction, I’ll put 100% of the sale price towards the fundraiser.
If you have artwork you’d like to donate, please contact me and I’ll get you in touch with the appropriate people. When people can walk away with amazing artwork while helping those in need, it’s a win-win situation. I’ll be attending to meet the other artists and hopefully pick something up for myself if any artwork speaks to me.
From the Cube Gallery website:
Haitian Disaster Art Fundraiser
In light of the disaster that has befallen the people of Haiti, Cube Gallery and AfrikArt Konnection, in collaboration with Paul Dewar, MP are calling Canadian artists to rally together to assist in the efforts underway to make the lives of Haitian survivors better.
Event Date: February 9, 2010
Event Time: 6 pm viewing; 8 pm auction
Location: Cube Gallery, 7 Hamilton Ave. N.Artwork viewing: begins at 6pm
Fundraising Auction: 8pmThere will be a reception, music, light foods and entertainment at Cube Gallery on Hamilton Ave. The event is hosted by Oni the Haitian Sensation.
Great effort. I’ve been using comments as a way to raise money for Doctors Without Borders, but I have nothing to offer like you do in way of art or services.
we all do what we can.
Good for you. I don’t think people who survived the earthquake care that much about how the money is raised, so your contribution no less valid than anyone else’s.
On man the photo with the phallic pepper gives me the vapours. I’m gonna see if I can scare up the dollars to buy it.
Yay! I think this will make many people happy.
I have a piece that I would have donated. Just found out about this now. Any way to still donate a piece to your gallery and have you contribute the funds???
the piece is: titled “african mask”.
Sorry, it’s not my gallery. I’m sure you’d be able to start something similar to a gallery local to you.