While writing this, I realized that my RSS subscribers will lose most of the entry; more than half of it is in the captions of the photos, which are embedded in the link tag. Almost all my pictures have captions actually. I may try writing a WordPress plugin or modify Lightbox JS 2 to display the captions in subscription feeds.
Pat and Jen had ten of us over for the Victoria day weekend. They put the extra leafs in the table and it was twelve in all. Potato casserole, ribs, drumsticks, sausages, salad, corn-on-the-cob, and I don’t even remember what was on the other end. It was funny to see how proud Pat was that there was too much food to fit on the 12 person table. I can understand though; there’s nothing more satisfying than being a good host. I prefer the host role to the guest role actually. It’s when I can be in control of the situation, and I’m much better at making sure people are taking care of than being taken care of myself (I think a sense of imposing is what contributes to this).
I won my first game of Settlers of Catan. The quiet ones are the ones who win, they say, so I tried to keep my mouth shut amidst all the jocular smack-talk. The guys also played Capcom vs. SNK 2. Even though we all come from different backgrounds, every single one of us knew how to play. Very telling of how pervasive the Street Fighter series is to our generation.
The guests help clean up without asking, they thank you for having them, and in return, the hosts thank you for coming. You can tell a lot about people, not just from their friends, but their company as well.
FYI I read from a feed and can read the captions by hovering the mouse over the photo.
Thanks for letting me know, Tiana. Does the feed show the entire caption, or just a truncated snippet?
It shows the entire caption. Maybe it depends on the reader though, I’m just feeding it through Livejournal.
Hmmm…I think it may depend on the browser. Only truncated captions are shown in Firefox, even through Livejournal feeds.
“I may try writing a WordPress plugin or modify Lightbox JS 2 to display the captions in subscription feeds.”
Would you mind sending me a quick email about your current lightbox plugin? I’m talking in particular about the neat rollover effect and the wee magnifying glass. In all honesty I quite want to use it myself (once my site’s finally working that is).
I’m using a stock Lightbox plug-in actually. The effect for the magnifying glass overlay and the hover opacity is done completely in CSS. I’ll send you off an e‑mail shortly about how it’s done.
Thanks for that, it’s all very much appreciated.