May Long Weekend '07

Thumbnail: Oktoberfest sausages
Thumbnail: Barbecue ribs
Thumbnail: Silicon brush
Thumbnail: Chicken drumsticks
Thumbnail: Shish kebabs
Thumbnail: Barbecue thermometer
Thumbnail: Fruit flan, blueberry bonanza, key lime pie

While writ­ing this, I real­ized that my RSS sub­scribers will lose most of the entry; more than half of it is in the cap­tions of the pho­tos, which are embed­ded in the link tag. Almost all my pic­tures have cap­tions actu­al­ly. I may try writ­ing a WordPress plu­g­in or mod­i­fy Lightbox JS 2 to dis­play the cap­tions in sub­scrip­tion feeds.

Pat and Jen had ten of us over for the Victoria day week­end. They put the extra leafs in the table and it was twelve in all. Potato casse­role, ribs, drum­sticks, sausages, sal­ad, corn-on-the-cob, and I don’t even remem­ber what was on the oth­er end. It was fun­ny to see how proud Pat was that there was too much food to fit on the 12 per­son table. I can under­stand though; there’s noth­ing more sat­is­fy­ing than being a good host. I pre­fer the host role to the guest role actu­al­ly. It’s when I can be in con­trol of the sit­u­a­tion, and I’m much bet­ter at mak­ing sure peo­ple are tak­ing care of than being tak­en care of myself (I think a sense of impos­ing is what con­tributes to this).

I won my first game of Settlers of Catan. The qui­et ones are the ones who win, they say, so I tried to keep my mouth shut amidst all the joc­u­lar smack-talk. The guys also played Capcom vs. SNK 2. Even though we all come from dif­fer­ent back­grounds, every sin­gle one of us knew how to play. Very telling of how per­va­sive the Street Fighter series is to our gen­er­a­tion.

The guests help clean up with­out ask­ing, they thank you for hav­ing them, and in return, the hosts thank you for com­ing. You can tell a lot about peo­ple, not just from their friends, but their com­pa­ny as well.


  1. FYI I read from a feed and can read the cap­tions by hov­er­ing the mouse over the pho­to.

  2. Thanks for let­ting me know, Tiana. Does the feed show the entire cap­tion, or just a trun­cat­ed snip­pet?

  3. It shows the entire cap­tion. Maybe it depends on the read­er though, I’m just feed­ing it through Livejournal.

  4. Hmmm…I think it may depend on the brows­er. Only trun­cat­ed cap­tions are shown in Firefox, even through Livejournal feeds.

  5. I may try writ­ing a WordPress plu­g­in or mod­i­fy Lightbox JS 2 to dis­play the cap­tions in sub­scrip­tion feeds.”

    Would you mind send­ing me a quick email about your cur­rent light­box plu­g­in? I’m talk­ing in par­tic­u­lar about the neat rollover effect and the wee mag­ni­fy­ing glass. In all hon­esty I quite want to use it myself (once my site’s final­ly work­ing that is).

  6. I’m using a stock Lightbox plug-in actu­al­ly. The effect for the mag­ni­fy­ing glass over­lay and the hov­er opac­i­ty is done com­plete­ly in CSS. I’ll send you off an e‑mail short­ly about how it’s done.

  7. Thanks for that, it’s all very much appre­ci­at­ed.

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