A Jumble Of Emotions

I’ve been a jum­ble of emo­tions late­ly. A mix of excite­ment and wor­ry, fun and stress, unset­tling uncer­tain­ty and crossed-sig­nals. On top of it all I keep get­ting all sorts of BULLSHIT from peo­ple, when it’s the last thing I need.

I gen­er­al­ly don’t like this feel­ing. To grow, and this is espe­cial­ly true for me, one needs a foun­da­tion of sta­bil­i­ty. Once the basic things are con­stant, there can be changes and adjust­ments made to improve. Now I find myself strug­gling to keep the sim­plest things under con­trol.

It’s cer­tain­ly been an inter­est­ing year so far.


  1. i’m glad you are back. i hate los­ing con­trol of my life as well, but i remind myself that it is only a phase. i hope it is the same for you. please keep writ­ing.

  2. Thanks, Kiddo. Coming from you, that means a lot to me.

  3. Quarter life cri­sis. Same here and this after­noon, is one of those cross­ing point for me. I feel so afraid and excit­ed.

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