Bancroft '05, Part 4/6

Euchre has become uni­ver­sal for our group now. We must have played near­ly a dozen games that night, and I man­aged not to lose a sin­gle one, with the help of Aaron as my part­ner. For the last four points of one game (as seen in the video), I was dealt one of the best hands I’ve ever had: both bauers, an ace/jack trump, and an off king. I was lucky enough to make the trump suit too, since Aaron flipped over a red bauer. I seem to have tremen­dous luck when I’m on the farm. Last year, when I was part­nered up with Nick at the hunt­ing cab­in, we had an unde­feat­ed win­ning streak. It’s gen­er­al­ly nev­er a good idea to play against Trolley’s cousins, though. They grew up play­ing togeth­er, so it’s impos­si­ble to track the num­ber of sig­nals they use.

I’ll admit that this is me. Good times because of good peo­ple. One of the best nights of my life.


  1. Matt and I are like the butt smok­ing pot­ty mouth cou­ple!!!
    Just for the record, I’m a ter­ri­ble card play­er when I’m intox­i­cat­ed.

  2. If Kate is the pot­ty mouth chain smok­er, then i’m the over­sexed social-smok­er. For the record…the “up my ass” com­ments referred to a song on Tyler’s new cd he self titled “Up My Ass”. Though out of con­text, had me rolling on my bed­room floor with laugh­ter as viewed in this video. Jeff — LOVE these video’s. Can’t wait for the next post­ing.


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