Monthly Archives: July 2004

Church And State

I want­ed to thank you for chang­ing my life.

Then I real­ized that you did­n’t do any­thing. You were com­plete­ly self­ish, com­plete­ly incon­sid­er­ate. I picked myself up and made the best of what you left me as. Loving you was the impor­tant part, not any­thing that you had ever done.

I real­ized that it was­n’t you who changed my life. It was the expe­ri­ence. It was the con­scious effort to turn my life around.

It was me.

The Jeff Identity

Holy fuck, I just found Wizo … Kopfschuss in one of my direc­to­ries. I haven’t heard this song in more than three years. It’s always in a vol­ume of mis­cel­la­neous songs, and I must have skipped over it every time I made my punk playlist. I had total­ly for­got­ten about it, and now remem­ber how much of a kick­ing fuck­ing song it is. It brings me back to sec­ond year, being at Iain’s place, using Slackware for the first time.

It’s odd to hear a song, almost for the first time because it’s been so long, but still know all the notes as they come. It’s like The Bourne Identity where he has no idea how he knows all this ran­dom shit.