Monthly Archives: May 2004

Saturday Blogroll

It’s always Saturday morn­ing when I feel like find­ing out how peo­ple are doing. Saturdays are the only time that I don’t feel rushed to be doing some­thing, so I can take my time and read what peo­ple have to say. The thing is, find­ing out how peo­ple are doing sim­ply con­sists of check­ing my blogroll, and no one ever updates on Saturday morn­ings. It’s not a very good sys­tem. I end up brows­ing though oth­er peo­ples blogrolls until I find one that’s inter­est­ing, and that’s gen­er­al­ly how my blogroll gets big­ger.

What Work Has Taught Me So Far

I’m learn­ing more things at work than I had ever imag­ined was pos­si­ble. Now I under­stand things like the impor­tance of mak­ing a bud­get, the loop­holes to look out for on a lease, the dif­fer­ence between writ­ing an asset off as an expense or depre­ci­at­ing it, or even some­thing like the eco­nom­ic fac­tors con­sid­ered in set­ting month­ly goals. There are also gen­er­al work things I nev­er knew about, like how to deal with sales­men, how to leave mes­sages, what’s con­sid­ered a good health plan, gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tions vs. union reg­u­la­tions, etc. I’ve even had to learn how to be a print pro­duc­tion coor­di­na­tor for marketing/PR mate­ri­als. Then on top of all of this, I’m learn­ing about the entire eso­teric den­tal indus­try, from the per­son­al­i­ties of den­tists and den­tur­ists to the man­u­fac­tur­ing process of every­thing from crowns to cast par­tial den­tures to haw­ley retain­ers, just so I can under­stand the tar­get audi­ence and under­stand what I’m mar­ket­ing.

Secret Group Hugs

Every so often I’ll read a con­fes­sion on that will make me think of one of my friends, as if he or she may have been the one to write the it. And even more rarely, I’ll read one that makes me think that I wrote it, even though I know I did­n’t, and this is one of them:

270642834: i wear my retain­er, even when i don’t have to, cuz it makes me feel nerdy, and nerds turn me on.


My boss walked in to my office the oth­er day and intro­duced me to the newest hire, a tech who also hap­pens to be a very com­pe­tent artist. The man tells me that he occa­sion­al­ly sees me on the bus in the morn­ing, so I ask him if he’s sure that it’s me and not some oth­er Asian guy. He tells me with no hes­i­ta­tion, as if he’d been wait­ing for me to ask him this ques­tion, that it was my hair that gave me away.