What Work Has Taught Me So Far

I’m learn­ing more things at work than I had ever imag­ined was pos­si­ble. Now I under­stand things like the impor­tance of mak­ing a bud­get, the loop­holes to look out for on a lease, the dif­fer­ence between writ­ing an asset off as an expense or depre­ci­at­ing it, or even some­thing like the eco­nom­ic fac­tors con­sid­ered in set­ting month­ly goals. There are also gen­er­al work things I nev­er knew about, like how to deal with sales­men, how to leave mes­sages, what’s con­sid­ered a good health plan, gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tions vs. union reg­u­la­tions, etc. I’ve even had to learn how to be a print pro­duc­tion coor­di­na­tor for marketing/PR mate­ri­als. Then on top of all of this, I’m learn­ing about the entire eso­teric den­tal indus­try, from the per­son­al­i­ties of den­tists and den­tur­ists to the man­u­fac­tur­ing process of every­thing from crowns to cast par­tial den­tures to haw­ley retain­ers, just so I can under­stand the tar­get audi­ence and under­stand what I’m mar­ket­ing.

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