Monthly Archives: January 2004


Hellooooooooo insom­nia.

I hate my laugh. No, real­ly. It’s a com­bi­na­tion of my moth­ers’ laugh (a sort of gaspy, light, heav­ing) and Mike’s laugh (short bursts of falset­to squeak­ing). Someone once told me that it’s what she liked about me, but I think she just asso­ci­at­ed it with my sense of humour.

Simple Stir-Fry

Thumbnail: Stirfry 1

Thumbnail: Stirfry 2

I have fig­ured out the eas­i­est stir-fry in the world. One morn­ing I took my stir-fry strips out of the freez­er to defrost by the time my class­es were done. When I got home, I real­ized that I had no veg­eta­bles and I was too tired to make rice (actu­al­ly it was more of being too tired to clean the rice pot because it’s always a bitch). I found a pack of gar­lic pas­ta sal­ad, and threw every­thing togeth­er.


  1. Approximately 700 grams of beef stir-fry strips
  2. One bag of Green Giant Garden Creations Pasta Salad (Garlic)


  1. Pre-heat fry­ing pan to medi­um heat, add oil
  2. Add stir-fry strips and gar­den sal­ad
  3. Cover and stir occa­sion­al­ly until the pas­ta is desired ten­der­ness (should take about 20 min­utes, liq­uid should be a light sauce by then)

Note: To ensure beef is cooked through, add beef in pan a few min­utes before the pas­ta sal­ad.

Cause My Legs Are Like Toothpicks

On a good day I can find two pairs of pants that I want to try on. Today I found five, and none were right. Either they did­n’t fit, or the cut end­ed up dif­fer­ent when I actu­al­ly put them on. Why is it so hard for me to find pants? Nice, durable yet com­fort­able, bag­gy yet fits around my waist, wide-leg, plain-look­ing pants.

Evil Kitty

I’m catch­ing Dolly up on the kitchen coun­ters late­ly. She’s nev­er had the gall to do so before. Nick’s the­o­ry is that she was real­ly bored and knew she was alone dur­ing the Christmas hol­i­days, so she just jumped up one day and learned that it’s pos­si­ble. She knows that she’s not sup­posed to because as soon as she hears one of us walk­ing to the kitchen, she’ll jump down to the floor and give us the hon­est kit­ty look. The one where she stands at atten­tion with the big eyes, head slight­ly tilt­ed to one side. Yeah. She’s an evil kit­ty.

The Taste

I feel like speak­ing tonight. I feel like express­ing myself in some way, but can’t focus on what I want to say. I feel like I’m total­ly addict­ed. I feel like shar­ing some­thing that’s com­plete­ly embar­rass­ing, like the face trace trick or the wing chun dream.

I feel like singing. I feel like shout­ing. I feel like every­thing is just right.

I feel like I final­ly have peo­ple I can hang out with. I feel like I’ve final­ly had a mean­ing­ful rela­tion­ship.

I feel like I can dream with­out dis­ap­point­ment. I feel like I can think with­out hurt­ing. I feel like I can admire with­out jeal­ousy.

I feel like every song is the last I’ll ever hear. I feel like I’m final­ly liv­ing.

I feel hap­py.