Monthly Archives: August 2003

Games Of Summer

My god. The hands on pre­view for Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles includes some jaw-drop­ping screen shots. Unfortunately, the next install­ment of the FF series seems to rely heav­i­ly on mul­ti­play­er, as well as Game Boy Advance con­nec­tiv­i­ty, and since I’m the only one I know with both, I might have a dif­fi­cult time play­ing this game. I’ve always been a big­ger fan of sin­gle play­er games than mul­ti­play­er games (online mul­ti­play­er aside) sim­ply because I had no friends to play with. The prob­lem (or fea­ture, I might say) with RPGs is that they’re gen­er­al­ly not pick-up-and-play games because of the involv­ing sto­ry lines and deep game­play, and it’s dif­fi­cult to find some­one who’s will­ing to just come into the mid­dle of the sto­ry.

As for Soul Calibur 2 com­ing out in three days, I’m hop­ing it’ll snap me back into my old hard­core gam­ing lifestyle, which I seem to have lost over the sum­mer. Once again, I don’t have any­one to play with/against, so I’ll prob­a­bly be prac­tic­ing in the quest mode.


I need chick­en soup. I need a fresh baguette. I need soft­ened sliced car­rots with the slight bit­ter taste of gin­seng. I need fall off the bone chick­en, baked in broth, white from cook­ing.

I need to laugh. I need to sing. I need to shout.

I need to lose myself.

I need.

Repairing A Camera, Parties, Etc.

I was able to fix my dig­i­tal cam­era on my own, with the help of Tom’s spe­cial set of screw­drivers. That saves me from hav­ing to go down­town and spend­ing mon­ey on a such a sim­ple prob­lem. The lens cap was jammed and sim­ply need­ed to be nudged into place.

I’ve been invit­ed to two par­ties, one to cel­e­brate Ryan’s depar­ture to UT, and one at Sheri’s to cel­e­brate Christine and Emily mov­ing into the apartment/Emily’s birthday/the launch of If I actu­al­ly knew who the fuck Ryan, or even Darryl, the host, was, I might con­sid­er show­ing up to the for­mer. As for Sheri’s par­ty, I haven’t had a chance to be at her place yet, so I’m def­i­nite­ly look­ing for­ward to check­ing out the liv­ing arrange­ments and hang­ing out with a great bunch of Carleton peo­ple. It’s fun­ny that I found Emily’s page through, which I found through some­one else’s page, which I found search­ing google regard­ing site sta­tis­tics. I would­n’t have thought any­thing of it had I not rec­og­nized Em from the Clocktower Pub, cel­e­brat­ing Sheri, Tom, Marc and Matt’s birth­days.

Unfortunately, I missed Pat’s bar­be­cue last week, but with every­one end­ing their sum­mer jobs and their co-op terms, there should be a flour­ish of gath­er­ings com­ing up. Hopefully the job search will be eas­i­er when every­one is going back to school.

Disappointing Weather, Weekend Plans, Etc.

It’s always dis­ap­point­ing to first learn that weath­er will be nice and cool in three days, and then find out that the ini­tial pre­dic­tion was wrong the day before. It was sup­posed to be in the low 20’s tomor­row, but now it’s slat­ed to be in the high 20’s. Aaron has a tee-off time set up for us tomor­row, but unless we can find a third par­ty with a car, I won’t be able to go. Aaron stops work­ing at the course in a week, so this will most like­ly be the last chance of the sea­son to get out on the course, which is a pity since I got my clubs resized last year.

Trolley is com­ing down this week­end, as he has three days off from his job at the LCBO. I’ll be look­ing for­ward to drink­ing, watch­ing some Mr. Show, and gen­er­al­ly just hang­ing out.

Tom is plan­ning a camp­ing trip some­time in September, and unless I lose a limb, I’m going to go. Actually, the loss of a limb may be com­plete­ly irrel­e­vant. I love camp­ing but I hate the sum­mer, so any oppor­tu­ni­ty to be out­doors when the weath­er is cool is prime.

Christine has a writ­ing project up, which I’ll glad­ly be par­tak­ing in soon. I always enjoy the chance to write cre­ative­ly in a non-com­pet­i­tive envi­ron­ment. What, exact­ly, has made the buf­fa­lo so bit­ter is anoth­er sto­ry.