I feel…alone. I wish I could speak to someone who could understand. I wish I could express my feelings the way I wish. What a perfect time to write.
I’ve been working on my graphics project all day. I have almost everything done now, with the cells co-ordinating their movements in a 3D Game of Life dance. They grow and shrink as the rules dictate, and although I have some bugs to iron out, and some bells and whistles to add, it shouldn’t take too long.
My cryptography presentation went alright. We didn’t quite formally rehearse, so I spoke for 15 out of the 20 minutes allocated to us, when three of us had speaking to do. We were fairly rushed at the end, but I think that we got our points through well. I felt that I did a great job at opening the presentations, and at explaining my part. Mike, Pat, Iain, and I went to get loaded before the presentation, but unfortunately, the shock of the situation sobered me up rather efficiently. After all, it was the first presentation I’ve had to do through all of university.
I feel better after playing a few games with Darren. Somehow we made it under the 300th mark, with a 55–7 record at level 14. I believe the height of my addiction was most evident when I was watching a movie where a man gets trapped in a bathroom by some triad members, and the first thing that I thought of was the item box, and town portaling to a safe location.
I might going to the Dominican Republic when school ends.
I’ve listened to some of the Tool songs off of the strings tribute album, and they’re not very good. The strings are greatly lacking in energy, and sometimes bare little resemblance to the songs they’re paying homage to. One can tell that the composer is inspired by Tool composings, but the instrumentalists are insipid in their performance.
The Honest Lawyer yesterday was relaxing and frustrating at the same time. I never I had a chance to really savour the fries this time though, since I felt so guilty about munching on Wheaties’ last time. All in all though, I think I’d rather not have gone.
I’ve always thought that Beth Gibbons had an amazingly attractive quality to her, not only from the distinctive timbre of her voice, but also from the grace and gentleness of her figure captured in her photographs. I’m trying out some of her latest side-project work with Rustin Man, and so far the sound has been amusingly unique, a mix of acoustic guitar with bittersweet melodies.