Jealous Jeffrey

It’s the first day we haven’t talked, some­thing nei­ther of us expect­ed until some time next month. I think an ounce of Jäger will serve as com­pa­ny instead, and maybe a diges­tif for the healthy salmon (who must have swam 100000km before being caught) that was thanked for din­ner. It burns the stom­ach and the throat, but does­n’t keep me warm.

Sometimes, she teas­es by call­ing me Jealous Jeffrey. It’s like­ly she’s gone to bed cause she has to get up ear­ly tomor­row, fall­en asleep after a pil­sner she grabbed from work. But the mind wan­ders, and I think of her at a Sigma Nu par­ty, being hit on by some frat boy with a popped col­lar and a striped wrist­band around his fore­arm.

I nev­er wor­ry though, not cause I know she’s mine, but because she does.


  1. That sounds like me and my boyfriend. He does­n’t wor­ry about me because he knows I’m loy­al and a wor­ry wart. How is your eye­brow may I ask? I came across your blog after research­ing eye­brow pierc­ings and I got mine done this week­end! I think Asians look real­ly awe­some with pierc­ings!

    • The pierc­ing is still doing fine two years lat­er, although the skin start­ed to recede a bit, and now I think I need a short­er bar.

  2. I’ll say it again! AHA!! Yay!

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