Scotland, Day 10: Edinburgh

We watched Rory McIlroy take the most impres­sive lead in US Open his­to­ry to win the 2011 title, and when you see these golf super­stars mak­ing sat­is­fy­ing­ly effort­less shots, you long for the same kind of feel­ing that can only come from some­thing as pri­mal as hit­ting a ball. It’s been years since I held a club in my hand, but I was itch­ing to play and we head­ed to a dri­ving range, tak­ing it easy on my last day in Scotland.

I’m going home a dif­fer­ent per­son. Not a dras­tic change, but a refine­ment of the growth I’ve had in the last year, and a gal­va­niza­tion of the spir­it. This trip has taught me that life is full of hap­pi­ness, and my mem­o­ries of Europe will be filled with the peo­ple and places that have made the last three weeks a rich and won­der­ful expe­ri­ence.

Barney in the garden

Barney likes to roll around in the grass, and some­times he comes back in with pieces of foliage in his fur. He even has a shed with a duvet in it that allows him to sleep com­fort­ably out­side, even when it’s dark and the tem­per­a­ture drops. The back­yard pro­vides a tremen­dous amount of pri­va­cy, thanks to all the lush green­ery.

Scotch egg

I’ve always want­ed to try Scotch egg ever since I watched Keith from The Office (UK) eat­ing them while tor­ment­ing Tim with inane chat­ter. It’s a hard-boiled egg cov­ered in a sausage meat mix­ture, coat­ed in bread­crumbs, then deep fried. Since they’ve already been cooked, they can be eat­en cold, but Dennis heat­ed ours in the oven.

baby rabbit

Seen while walk­ing up to the dri­ving range at the course.


  1. What a beau­ti­ful trip, Jeff. Welcome home. :)

  2. Been wait­ing to hear you say this: (Wonderful!): “This trip has taught me that life is full of hap­pi­ness…”

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