On Being 5'4" and Weighing 115 lbs

  • Her: Does it both­er you that I’m taller?
  • Me: Hah. No.
  • Me: I nev­er under­stood why a guy would feel that way.
  • Her: Good good.
  • Me: Usually it both­ers girls that I’m short­er.
  • Her: I don’t care at all.
  • Her: Do you care that I prob­a­bly weigh more than you as well?
  • Me: Hahahahh, every­one weighs more than me.
  • Me: Trust me.
  • Her: Hahah, I’m just say­ing!!!
  • Me: I’m super light.
  • Me: Why, does it nor­mal­ly both­er oth­er guys if you’re heav­ier?
  • Her: Yeah for sure, I mean I don’t care one way or another…its their prob­lem not mine, they’re the ones miss­ing out.
  • Me: Well if I only dat­ed girls who were lighter than me, I could­n’t date any­one old­er than 14.


  1. yeeep the last time I was 115 (oth­er than for med­ical reasons)I think I was still in grade school. oh no no no I got to 114 for a friend’s wed­ding and stayed there until I got engaged and let myself go.

    • I’ve always been around 115 since high school (although there was a peri­od I went up to 126 — the most I’ve ever weighed — for a few months just after uni­ver­si­ty). Even when I had col­i­tis (which the doc­tors mis-diag­nosed as stom­ach flu) and I bare­ly ate any­thing for weeks, I only dropped to 108. I think my nat­ur­al weight will always be 115.

  2. Smaller guys have always been my choice just by default (if you like Asian looks there you are). I have nev­er mind­ed.

    I did have a blind date with an Eastern European guy who was about 5’4 once who was obvi­ous­ly ill at ease that I was so tall. (I’m only 5′7″ but it was 80s giant plat­forms time). I men­tioned I usu­al­ly dat­ed small­er guys and it was noth­ing to me. He did­n’t believe me!

    Just how does that work?” he said sort of sus­pi­cious­ly, which land­ed on my ear as innu­en­do.

    Oh, VERY well,” I said.

  3. 5′11″ at 140. It feels real­ly awk­ward, maybe even creepy, to date a woman who’s below my chin line. I won­der how women feel about dat­ing either a head taller, or a head short­er?

    • Interesting. It’s a reverse pro­jec­tion. I know a lot of cou­ples where the girl is more than a head taller too.

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