Small Town Photo Trip

Field 2

Tina and I head­ed to a cou­ple of small towns around Ottawa. She had her Nikon and I was armed with my new Canon 5D Mark II, which is a full frame cam­era and gives me such won­der­ful­ly wide angles. You can see her shots at her flickr set. They give me great ideas on how I can look at things from anoth­er per­spec­tive because they’re so dif­fer­ent from mine, approach­ing shots from clos­er ranges and com­pos­ing with more diag­o­nal angles.

Field 1

This is by far my favourite shot (above), and I’ll prob­a­bly get a large print of it when I have the mon­ey. There’s a series of acrylic paint­ings by Ken Vincent at the Koyman Galleries in Ottawa, and I’ve always want­ed this one in par­tic­u­lar because the colours and the moody clouds speak of pure emo­tion to me, and I nev­er believed I was capa­ble of cap­tur­ing such moments with my last cam­era1. The price — $2300 for a 28“x61” paint­ing — had always held me back, but now I’m con­fi­dent I can get that elu­sive look I’ve been try­ing to cap­ture, myself.

An old rusted stop sign

It was the per­fect day and time of year for pho­tog­ra­phy. The weath­er was very mild (though it got cold­er as the sun was set­ting), and the fall colours made every­thing both dead and vibrant.


These pic­tures don’t do jus­tice to the way they look full-size on a large mon­i­tor. There are so many tiny details and tex­tures that are lost when down­sized.

Tina composes

Tina get­ting a sim­i­lar shot to the one I took above.


I like how you can just make out the reflec­tion of the sky on the water, through the stalks.


Tina look­ing very cold.

Dead end road 1

Road 1

I like how the shad­ow on the road implies that some­one’s there, with­out being too overt about it.


We got a lot of looks from small town peo­ple. All white. I guess they weren’t used to the Asian-Persian com­bo.



Obligatory. I love fall leaves, so even though I already have pic­tures very sim­i­lar to this, I nev­er get tired of tak­ing more.

Road 2

You can just make out Tina on the right there.

Dead end road 2

Tennis ball

We found a pond with a tiny island FILLED with Canadian geese, as well as a gaze­bo that took up about half the area of said island, in the small town of Casselman. Unfortunately, we did­n’t have the right lens­es to cap­ture it. This is what we got instead.

Tina taking photo

I love the way her slen­der body bends in this pho­to, against the rem­nants of sun­set in the back­ground. Best viewed on black, so you can just make out her shoes and the yel­low road stripe in the bot­tom. Just above, the moon makes an appear­ance.

  1. A Canon Digital Rebel Xt []


  1. I hon­est­ly like pho­to 1 best. I love the treat­ment you’ve done on these pho­tos.

    Tina is so darn adorable with that crazy mop of hair. I wish I could meet you both one day!

    • The more I look at the first one, the more I like it too.

      And yeah, Tina total­ly put her hands up to her hair to get the frumpage out, just about a sec­ond before that pho­to was shot. I don’t think it worked. :D

  2. The sky in both is absolute­ly unbe­liev­able. I wish I could cre­ate images like this.

    • You can! You have the equip­ment now, and post-pro­cess­ing is free.

  3. My favorite shot is the one of the stop sign. I love the clar­i­ty of the blue col­or the sky is dis­play­ing and i love how the col­or of the rust on the stop sign mesh­es so well with the blue sky. Great shot! All of them. :-)

    • I find that one is fre­quent­ly an over­looked shot. A lot of peo­ple don’t notice it because it’s not as dra­mat­ic as the oth­er ones, but a rusty stop sign can reveal a lot in itself (in this case, I think one can tell what kind of ordi­nance bud­get this town has). Good for you for pick­ing that one out.

  4. 喜欢你的照片,你是华裔吧,希望你看得懂这些字,哈哈。

    • I total­ly had to Babelfish your com­ment. Even though I’m Chinese, that’s the only way I under­stood it. :)

  5. These are all spec­tac­u­lar! It’s amaz­ing what kind of great pho­tos you can get from every­day objects, but at the right angle and light­ing, it’s an entire­ly dif­fer­ent thing alto­geth­er.

    • So very true. There are lots of lev­els of pho­tog­ra­phy to explore, and I try to get the absolute most out of every pic­ture.

  6. Lovely shots. Looks like an enjoy­able road trip. Leaves piles by the fence and the one above it might be favorites of mine.

    • I had ini­tial­ly cho­sen not to include the ditch because I was­n’t sta­ble enough for it to be a clear shot, but at low­er sizes, it’s hard to notice.

  7. These are gor­geous.… makes me want to go back up there! We are as close to fall as we’ll get right now, which means a few palm fronds fall off in the wind. Whoopee. Just not the same.

    • Not the same at all, I bet. There’s noth­ing like a Canadian fall.


    sor­ry; a bit slow to catch up with your posts. have been busy.. but awe­some shots, jeff!

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