Greatness Of My Own

When I was dat­ing Louise, and we talked about our exes, she told me one of hers was going to be a diplo­mat, and they broke up because she knew she was­n’t meant to be a diplo­mat’s wife. I under­stood. By mar­ry­ing into cer­tain careers, you mar­ry into those respon­si­bil­i­ties as well, and they can be too much for some, me includ­ed.

So she was with me. I was­n’t bound for great­ness like that.

Still, it made me won­der; what was I meant for? What did she see in me?

I know I wasn't meant to changed the world.

But I still think I was meant to affect the lives of oth­ers. I was born for great­ness of my own, as small as it may be.


  1. Of course you were meant to change the world.

    You were meant to change your world.

    You were meant to change the worlds of peo­ple around you.

    We define our­selves through the way we see real­i­ty, our world and every­thing in it. You have that pow­er to alter peo­ple’s lives, to shape them in any way you choose to, should you choose to.

    So while we weren’t meant to take on the worlds of our part­ners, we have the pow­er to reshape them as well, as they have the pow­er to reshape ours. If they mean so much to us at the very least, we might as well ride that pow­er and respon­si­bil­i­ty. Who knows where it might take us?

    • I real­ly like your view on this. The way I see it is that I was meant to change the world of a few peo­ple, not the world at large. And that small dif­fer­ence is enough for me.

  2. I tried leav­ing you a com­ment yes­ter­day, but appar­ent­ly the SUBMIT but­ton does not func­tion on my iphone Google Reader App.

    You do change the world, in your own way, a lit­tle at first, but with huge reper­cus­sions lat­er. A rip­ple in a tran­quil lake. The words, thoughts, roman­tic ideals, val­ues that you express on this site have influ­enced many of your read­ers. The way you write so can­did­ly and open­ly about your obser­va­tions and feel­ings. You open your heart and it gives peo­ple hope, uplifts them.

    I’ve seen it more than just a hand­ful of times in which a post you wrote and poured your heart into was met with let­ters of grat­i­tude for how you had made some­one believe in love, feel romance again, feel empa­thy when she felt so alone before, believe in peo­ple, believe in men again…

    There is so much you con­tribute to the Universe by being your­self. And you may nev­er know the mea­sure of your own great­ness, but it’s there, and, like the Universe, always expand­ing.

    • Thanks, Mae. It always touch­es me when some­one tells me I’ve inspired them to write or take up pho­tog­ra­phy. Maybe I nev­er real­ized it before, but hav­ing this blog is the way I can make a dif­fer­ence. I like the idea that the uni­verse is always expand­ing from con­stant rip­ples of influ­ence; great metaphor!

  3. I agree with Edrei, you change those around you and that falls under the cat­e­go­ry of great­ness. Reading what you write is inspir­ing and makes me think about things dif­fer­ent­ly. That already helps me become a bet­ter per­son. I kind of wish I knew you bet­ter, or that we’d live clos­er and could hang out more.

    • Yeah, I think chang­ing those around me is what I meant by great­ness of my own (as opposed to chang­ing the “world” for peo­ple one does­n’t know, the way a politi­cian or artist could).

      It’s always nice to find out that oth­ers are able to ben­e­fit from the things I say, but these com­ments are mak­ing me real­ize that it’s more than I had known.

      I total­ly agree that it’d be cool to hang out more. We should have met in high school!

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