Where everything ugly in this world is sadly beautiful

Julie face

Thumbnail: right turn
Thumbnail: belt
Thumbnail: Julie profile
Thumbnail: Julie side
Thumbnail: lips

Left turn


  1. Great pho­tos! Julie has a great ele­gance about her in this series.

  2. Beautiful, beau­ti­ful… in a mag­a­zine sort of way… One thing that struck me when I last attend­ed a con­cert full of peo­ple in their teens is how beau­ti­ful they ALL were; even the ugli­er ones. And how none of them KNOW how beau­ti­ful they look, just for their fresh­ness. In our 20s we are all in our prime. I real­ly think we’re sup­posed to for­get look­ing good once we’re twice that age. Our youth cul­ture is obses­sive.

  3. The most beau­ti­ful peo­ple are those who are uncon­scious of their beau­ty. Me, I think the minute a woman flaunts her beau­ty, she los­es it.

    And there’re plen­ty of beau­ti­ful women who’re past their prime.

    • I com­plete­ly agree. Humility is the string that keeps beau­ty com­plete. Without it, it becomes a mess.

  4. I think this is the first time that I see the real face of Julie.

  5. Jeff has a tru­ly good ‘eye’ as a pho­tog­ra­ph­er when it comes to see­ing his sub­jects.

    Speaking as an old fel­la, it is per­haps also true that you can’t ful­ly appre­ci­ate the lumi­nous beau­ty that youth can bring to even an aver­age-look­ing woman until you start to be past your own prime.

    So per­haps, Jeff the Photographer, has an old soul [or is it that he is a dirty old man in train­ing?]


    • I’ve often been told that I’m an old soul, and to add to that, I’ve been feel­ing well past my prime late­ly. Maybe my sub­con­scious just does­n’t want to acknowl­edge the bur­geon­ing dirty old man from with­in. ;)

  6. Jeff those are real­ly nice pho­tos. My favorite type of por­traits are those that bring the per­son­al­i­ty, soul out of the sub­jects. Even though I’ve nev­er met Julie, I can almost guess how she is in real life. (Or at least my impres­sion of her from the pho­tos).

    • Thanks, Jin. I like cap­tur­ing what peo­ple try to hide (or per­haps don’t even know) about them­selves. I’m curi­ous if your impres­sion from the pho­tos match­es with Julie’s per­son­al­i­ty. There’s almost cer­tain­ly some amount of bias involved on your end!

  7. Thanks for writ­ing such an easy-to-under­sat­nd arti­cle on this top­ic.

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