Photography Road Trip

Rusty car

Thumbnail: Gas tank
Thumbnail: Dusty handprint
Thumbnail: Electrical cabin
Thumbnail: Sam and model
Thumbnail: Wood balcony
Thumbnail: Mail slot
Thumbnail: Model
Thumbnail: R - Y lettering
Thumbnail: Virgin Mary
Thumbnail: Wood lettering

Four of us piled into my car to make a ven­ture out west, in search of ghost towns. Areas that weren’t devel­oped enough for the Canadian rail­way to go through, and the lack of major trans­porta­tion even­tu­al­ly killed them.

What we found were not-so-aban­doned places, black flies bit­ing us all over, and dead ends.

Still, it was­n’t a total loss. There’s some­thing to shoot almost any­where, as long as you can change your per­spec­tive. And rid­ing in a car with three new peo­ple means you get good con­ver­sa­tion, if not good pho­to oppor­tu­ni­ties.


  1. I got a sud­den urge to make a tiny cos­tume for your wood­man climb­ing up the side there.

    Nice madon­na win­dow shot.

  2. Sounds like a good day. I love doing road trips just to take pic­tures :)

    • Me too…I don’t do it near­ly often enough, most­ly because I like going with oth­er pho­tog­ra­phers, and I don’t know very many. We should get togeth­er for a road trip some time.

      • Sure thing, do you have any places in mind?

      • I’d like to explore less pop­u­lar and more hid­den places in Ottawa, but I don’t have any place spe­cif­ic in mind. We’ll talk more when the tem­per­a­ture drops a bit. :)

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