Hong Kong Food Diary: Week 3

Buffet plate

Thumbnail: Buffet plate
Thumbnail: Buffet plate 3
Thumbnail: Dessert plate
Thumbnail: Asparagus with beef
Thumbnail: Baby bak choi
Thumbnail: Baked spare ribs
Thumbnail: Barley tea
Thumbnail: BBQ pork buns
Thumbnail: Beef tripe
Thumbnail: Beef tripe noodles
Thumbnail: Beet sweet corn
Thumbnail: Birds nest soup
Thumbnail: Chicken sweet corn
Thumbnail: Chiffon cake
Thumbnail: Chinese doughnut
Thumbnail: Chinese grapefruit
Thumbnail: Chinese greens
Thumbnail: Crabs black bean
Thumbnail: Almond tofu flower
Thumbnail: Cream of garlic
Thumbnail: Curry chicken
Thumbnail: Deep fried fish
Thumbnail: Lotus leaf chicken
Thumbnail: Drunken chicken
Thumbnail: Egg fried rice
Thumbnail: Egg white and milk
Thumbnail: Fish black bean
Thumbnail: Fish Chinese onions
Thumbnail: Fish mixed vegetables
Thumbnail: Steamed red coat
Thumbnail: Four seasons beans
Thumbnail: French hot dog
Thumbnail: Fried egg whites
Thumbnail: Fried onion biscuit
Thumbnail: Fried sesame dessert
Thumbnail: Green beens beef
Thumbnail: Ham egg bread
Thumbnail: Stewed egg
Thumbnail: King soya chicken
Thumbnail: Kiwifruit juice
Thumbnail: Lotus seed paste bun
Thumbnail: Milk buns
Thumbnail: Minced pork
Thumbnail: Stuffed cabbage
Thumbnail: Mushroom chicken
Thumbnail: Ox tail
Thumbnail: Won ton with spicy sauce
Thumbnail: Shrimp cocktail
Thumbnail: Packaged biscuits
Thumbnail: Lotus paste tart
Thumbnail: Phoenix talons
Thumbnail: Pork cold cuts
Thumbnail: Polk rice bowl
Thumbnail: Pork rice noodles
Thumbnail: Rice balls in mango
Thumbnail: Rice spare ribs
Thumbnail: Roasted pigeon
Thumbnail: Sea coconut fruit
Thumbnail: Shanghai dumplings
Thumbnail: Shredded chicken
Thumbnail: Shrimp celery cashews
Thumbnail: Shrimp dumplings
Thumbnail: Sichuan noodles
Thumbnail: Snack platter
Thumbnail: Snake soup fungi
Thumbnail: Lemongrass
Thumbnail: Soya chicken wings
Thumbnail: Spare ribs
Thumbnail: Spare ribs black bean
Thumbnail: Sponge cake
Thumbnail: Steamed beef balls
Thumbnail: Steamed white buns
Thumbnail: Stuffed mushrooms
Thumbnail: Sui mai
Thumbnail: Sweet and sour pork
Thumbnail: Tiramisu
Thumbnail: Tofu shrimp mushrooms
Thumbnail: Tossed noodles
Thumbnail: Won ton soup
Thumbnail: Yakult

The final week of my Hong Kong food diary. It’s safe to say that I gained a few pounds, as I would con­tin­ue eat­ing even after full. The weight is most­ly in my face (good) and mid­sec­tion (bad). Yes, my cheeks have filled out, but now I have a muf­fin top. It was total­ly worth it though, as I don’t know when I’ll have a chance to eat many of these dish­es again.

Other weeks in my Hong Kong Food Diary

Food decisions


  1. oh jeff! why do you tor­ment me so!


    • Is this death by sali­va­tion?

  2. These pic­tures are real­ly mouth­wa­ter­ing, even to some­one who’s not that into food like me.

    BTW, the “rice banana” should real­ly be called rice crust (or scorch), as banana and crust(or scorch) in Chinese share the same pro­nun­ci­a­tion.

    • Ah, I did­n’t realize…good to know. In my mind, I always pic­tured the crust solid­i­fy­ing in lines, like a banana!

  3. I have way too many indi­vid­ual com­ments for this one space. It would be cool if one could com­ment on each pic­ture. Some made me hun­gry, some made me laugh (Like the tripe being like rub­ber bands, the fish that “looks angry” or the “Swiss” Chicken Wings. LOL). Some made me wince, such as the talons and the pigeon heads! OMG :(

    Oh… and the pre­served eggs. Oh my, oh my.……

    So much to talk about. But in any case, as always, each pic­ture is absolute­ly incred­i­bly beau­ti­ful. They belong in a book for sure. I love look­ing at the the actu­al serv­ing dish­es, the cut­tlery used and every­thing that sur­rounds the actu­al food as much as the food.

    Such tal­ent. And.…. how can so many Chinese peo­ple be so skin­ny? I guess they have good “metab­o­lisms” like I do. It’s all in the mind!

    • You’re not alone; phoenix talons and bird heads tend to scare non-Chinese peo­ple. :)

      It’s so true that pre­sen­ta­tion plays a part in a meal. I like how the pic­tures have a lit­tle bit of back­ground, so you get a hint of the deco­rum and style of each place the food the eat­en.

      I sus­pect that Chinese thin­ness is a com­bi­na­tion of genet­ics (fast metab­o­lism) and health­i­er eat­ing habits (more meals through the day with less food in each).

  4. I’ve nev­er seen a man with a muf­fin top! You NEED to post pho­tos!

    • I was think­ing about that actu­al­ly, since this is a rare phe­nom­e­non for me to expand in this way. I haven’t got­ten around to it though, so I hope I can keep the muf­fin top and take pic­tures before my metab­o­lism devours it.

  5. Siu Long Baaaaao!!!! oh maaaannnnnn. I miss that so much, with the red gin­ger vine­gar… awe­some. And the che­ung fan is my favorite too. What do you call the drunk­en chicken(in chi­nese)?

    I was sur­prised to find about 5 or 6 dish­es in here that I have nev­er expe­ri­enced. Chinese cook­ing is SO diverse…

    Creepy parts: I guess I will nev­er get uncreeped-out by the idea of bird’s nest soup, but I did­n’t know it was sweet!?.
    Poor wee pigeons. Isn’t it too much waste of a bird? oh well.

    My friends and I have been say­ing for YEARS that Americans should get hip to Asia’s many inven­tive drinks.

    • Drunken chick­en is a direct trans­la­tion: zui gai. If you were sur­prised to find only 5 or 6 dish­es, then you have more expo­sure to Chinese food than me. There were so many things I nev­er had before.

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