Someone To Take Care Of Me

It’s times like this I wish I had some­one to take care of me1, because I’m tired of tak­ing care of myself.

  1. Pat once told me there should be a per­son in every group who’s always con­trolled, calm, and togeth­er (in case of emer­gency, or oth­er­wise), and he tries to be this per­son. It must be true, because he’s my rock, the friend who has nev­er let me down. I once asked him if this idea extend­ed to his mar­riage, and he told me that it applied to 90% of the time. But for the oth­er 10%, when he’s tired, unmo­ti­vat­ed, and does­n’t care any­more, Jenny takes over, and he admit­ted to me that he’s become depen­dent on this. []


  1. I wish I had that 10% but in my world there is no such thing. There are peo­ple you can rely on and there are peo­ple who rely on you. People whose sole pur­pose in life is to help oth­ers regard­less. It would seem that I don’t have the lux­u­ry of being tak­en care off and despite the fact that I’m tired, unmo­ti­vat­ed and don’t care, I have to help peo­ple, because that’s the only way I can keep in con­tact with the human world.

    The only way peo­ple will both­er to talk to me about any­thing, is when they want me to help them with some­thing. That is my world and I know how sad that real­ly is.

  2. No, it ain’t easy. I had spent years look­ing real­ly hard for some­one to be with, to care for, but also ulti­mate­ly to care for me as well, to prop me up when I am down… I learned the hard way we can’t force this.

    Starting afresh, I made friends who real­ly are the bricks in my world, and after giv­ing up the dat­ing mad­ness, I prac­ti­cal­ly stum­bled upon my now part­ner by chance. I guess what I’m say­ing is, there will be shit­ty peri­ods like this, but hang on. Words from a good friend — “This, too, shall pass” — helped me immense­ly.

    We don’t have to help peo­ple, or be helped. We can sur­vive. But this ain’t about sur­viv­ing. It’s about some­thing more. We’ll all get there.

  3. @Edrei — That’s quite sad indeed. I think that as long as peo­ple don’t take advan­tage of you, or take you for grant­ed, then it’s okay. You have to be care­ful that oth­ers don’t prey on your nature or sit­u­a­tion.

    I won’t lie, or say some­thing trite like, “I’m sure there’s some­one you can rely on, you just aren’t aware” because I don’t know you, but I do know it takes time to find the right people/connections. Look at me; Pat’s one of the only peo­ple who’s nev­er let me down, and I’ve only known him for five years out of my life.

    @Life for Beginners — I under­stand that it’s only dur­ing times I’m so busy, my life so com­pli­cat­ed, when I feel like I’m drown­ing, that I crave this kind of help. I also believe that “This, too, shall pass”. It’s a great way of look­ing at things, but when I’m caught up in a mess, I often for­get.

    You’re spot on about it all being “some­thing more” than sur­viv­ing, because I know I’ll live. I just would­n’t mind things being a lit­tle eas­i­er right now.

  4. When I’m down, I want to be left alone. When I’m sick, I want to be left alone. Sometimes when peo­ple try to help or com­fort me, it will only empha­size the feel­ing of being down or sick. I think I’m just not nor­mal.

  5. Happy Birthday! ~~ :) Ah.…birthday games :)

  6. To Joe — I have found too often that, my hus­band responds like you, just at the time when I want to give. It’s dif­fi­cult for a nur­tur­er to give solace by allow­ing soli­tude. I have had to back off and think, well, I guess.… that’s all.…. it’s a guy’s-guy cave thing, I guess.

    The oth­er thing I learned about expect­ing to depend on my guys in my life was that, although there might be a lot of pos­tur­ing that they want­ed to take care of me, when push came to shove and I real­ly need­ed it, they were pret­ty clue­less as to How to do that.

    Even now I think they would make dif­fer­ent choic­es than I would have them make about my wel­fare, which is a dif­fi­cult thing to look at. I have resigned myself to tak­ing care of myself first.

  7. Would it be bad to say that it is a choice?

    It is always a choice, espe­cial­ly if you do know that is what they are there for and that is what they want from you. I’m tired of los­ing good peo­ple over and over again and hav­ing to rebuild new human rela­tion­ships over time. In return for some mea­sure of human com­pa­ny, I made a choice to be used with the knowl­edge that I am being tak­en advan­tage of, so that I don’t feel alone.

    I know I rely on my girl­friend, but even that I learned too recent­ly that at the end of it, you’re still on your own. Life does have its ten­den­cy to be cru­el. I just have to do what­ev­er I can to make the best of it.

  8. It also made me under­stand why those pow­er­ful politi­cians would hire high priced escorts.

  9. @Uncle Joe — I can total­ly under­stand that way of think­ing. Being con­stant­ly dot­ed on is also a con­stant reminder of how we feel. But I agree that that way of think­ing isn’t nor­mal; most peo­ple are oppo­site.

    @Xibee — You also have to under­stand that some men have too much pride to want to be tak­en care of. When you do so, you may be imply­ing that they’re too weak to take care of them­selves. Of course, not all of us are filled with that much machis­mo.

    I sup­pose I’m can be quite high-main­te­nance in sit­u­a­tions like this, and it seems to me like you may also have a very par­tic­u­lar way of want­i­ng to be cared for. In those cas­es we do have to take care of our­selves, not because oth­er peo­ple don’t want to, but because they don’t know how or can’t do so effec­tive­ly.

    @Edrei — Any choice you make isn’t a bad one, as long as you accept the con­se­quences (which it sounds to me like you have). In a sort of back­wards way, you’re get­ting what you need from these peo­ple even though they’re tak­ing advan­tage of you, because what they offer is impor­tant to you and worth it.

    Even girl­friends don’t have all the nec­es­sary tools to pro­vide you with sup­port, but in those cas­es, I find it’s more of a case of being high-main­te­nance than any­thing else. And for peo­ple with men­tal his­to­ries like ours, that makes it even hard­er to deal with.

    @Causalien — That’s an inter­est­ing idea. I sup­pose that for enough mon­ey, some peo­ple will care uncon­di­tion­al­ly (aside from the obvi­ous con­di­tion), and do any­thing.

  10. I’m glad that I’m not entire­ly alone in my behav­iour. In my case, it has absolute­ly noth­ing to do with machis­mo. My sim­ple rea­son­ing is “I just want some peace and qui­et”.

    I might add that my wife feels almost the same way as Xibee.

  11. You know, we should just all get dogs. : )

  12. It’s good to hear that you know you will sur­vive. I know how easy it is to for­get that when we are in the mid­dle of a bad patch, or maybe not even a bad patch, just a ho-hum one where noth­ing hap­pens or excites us.

    Five years is longer than I’ve known my best friend, a girl with whom I share every­thing and con­sid­er my brick — though, hope­ful­ly it’s mutu­al; I don’t just wan­na draw on her and not give any­thing back. Pat sounds like a great guy.

    I hope things do get eas­i­er for you. *hugs*

  13. I live in NH and need someone(Woman) to help me get back on my feet…I am going thru a divorce( Should be done soon), lost my job of almost 11 years, lost my license( Can afford to get it back), unem­ploy­ment is not help­ing and no body wants to hire!

    I am not look­ing for a hand­out, just a friend/ maybe to grow into some­thing- to help me get back in the main­stream. Hit me back if you want!


  14. I wish I would get some­one to help me in some things about ma life. I’ve tried all the way to sur­vive in this entire world even I reached the moment of sleep­ing on streets. My life is not as easy as of oth­er peo­ple, I know am not the only one suf­fer­ing in this sit­u­a­tion but in my wish­es oth­ers will be help as I think am gonna be help by any kind person/organisation.

    Thanks to you who have read through ma com­ment and will­ing­ly to help me as I will post more about me. you can con­tact me on (

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