Walk It Off

Sometimes, I have to get out, even when it feels like it’s 40°C out­side, because I need my music loud, and I need to fuck­ing strut, and the birds clear the way cause they know it’s seri­ous, cause the pic­tures are fuck­ing killing me, so I’ll just keep skip­ping songs until it hits me then I’ll CRANK IT until it hurts, walk­ing it off like it’s nobody’s busi­ness, danc­ing inside to the bass pound­ing in my ears.


  1. I’ve already start­ed. It’s very cold in Boston, and I just can’t stand it. Even though I haven’t bro­ken out the Uggs, I do crank the music in my car because it warms my soul and makes me feel good inside. So that’s what I do.

  2. Would that I could walk, but I must quote the Missing Persons regard­ing L.A. … the car has to suf­fice. Have to watch that my dri­ving does­n’t actu­al­ly become affect­ed by my tunes. Got tick­et­ed for that once. Woopsy. Not road rage but some­thing to do with a par­tic­u­lar scream of Roger Daltry’s. But that was a long time ago.

    If it weren’t for my iPod I would fuck­ing lose my san­i­ty. Seriously.
    Steve Jobs can go to his grave in peace know­ing that lives were saved by keep­ing me from becom­ing a dis­grun­tled postal sawed-off-shot­gun tot­er.

  3. the birds clear the way cause they know it’s seri­ous”

    That’s fuck­ing awe­some.

  4. @cristina — Driving ful­fils me in a dif­fer­ent, though also sat­is­fy­ing, way. It does­n’t have to be fast, but there does have to be move­ment.

    @Xibee — Interesting that music can affect your speed. For me it’s more my mood.

    My iPod keeps me com­pa­ny too, every­where I go. I have spe­cial playlists for cer­tain moments, and just like you, I’m sure this has saved my san­i­ty on more than one occa­sion.

    @Tiana — As with many of my images, that one is tak­en from real life. I’m not cre­ative enough to come up with stuff like that on my own.

  5. Interesting con­tent and i will ful­ly agree as music gives me the strength,speed, and peace too. So sure­ly one should try this.

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