It’s on nights like this that I feel especially lonely.
I spent the last two hours looking for an image that would express my mood, but this was the best I could come up with. When I went outside, to see if the street lights would offer me more, I passed by open windows, each one filled with a different coloured light. It made me wonder what the people were doing, who they were with, what mood they were in.
It’s been a day alone. A day without contact. A day of rain and greyness, and living vicariously at Robson Arms.
So here I sit in the dark, with my apple and honey swirl pie and Ovaltine, writing because I haven’t said enough today, listing to songs of love and hate. Feeling like an old soul.
Wondering tonight if I’ll dream, or sleep soundly, or dream without remembering.
How about this one?
I haven’t figured out how to use it yet.
It’s too dark for my tastes (although the gamma on our monitors is probably very different). I wanted an image that wasn’t only about light, but about surroundings too, which is why I used a manual flash to slightly expose the background.
I also prefer most my images to have very small depth-of-field because bokeh pleases me, and it looks like everything is in focus in yours.
Yeah, I figured I can photoshop the out of focus feel. It’s making me lazy when I take the pictures.
how can you feel lonely when you’re in love?
Especially when you’re falling in love…what I wouldn’t give to feel that heady feeling.
Unless you feel it the other way, which is painful and aching and …ok, nevermind.
@Causalien — I’ve tried to do that, but the background is never an even amount of out-of-focusness unless every object is the exact same distance from the camera. I find that to simulate a really nice out-of-focus feel takes longer than setting up the shot in the first place, so I just do it with the lens. That, and the fact that the “lens blur” filter bokeh doesn’t match the characteristic of lens bokeh, making things look strange.
@Zaira — Oh, I’ve fallen. On the one hand, it makes me feel invincible, like nothing can go wrong, but on the other hand, it’s an unconventional relationship, with unconventional feelings to go with it.