Winter Window

Thumbnail: A winter scene out my window

Turning over and over in the sky, length after length of white­ness unwound over the earth and shroud­ed it. The bliz­zard was alone in the world; it had no rival.

When he climbed down from the win­dow sill Yura’s first impulse was to dress, run out­side, and start doing some­thing.

—Doctor Zhivago

When one looks out­side their win­dow and sees this, this blan­ket of puri­ty, what else can one feel but seren­i­ty, con­tent­ment, and hope?


  1. Yep, like whipped cream peaks of wind-dol­loped snow out there.

  2. I agree. It snowed here briefly, and while we did­n’t have the pure, white blan­ket effect as you did, watch­ing the fluffy clus­ters of flakes float­ing down, it almost felt like I was watch­ing a mag­i­cal spell unfold.

  3. I pre­fer that actu­al­ly. That way, you get the mag­ic of the first snow­fall, and then the mag­ic of the snow col­lect­ing on the ground.

    This is, if the snow even­tu­al­ly col­lects.

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