I had Darren over from Toronto for the weekend. We were going to do a movie marathon at the theatre — three in a day — but the movies all sucked. Disturbia? Georgia Rule? Please. Instead, I bought the first season of Six Feet Under, and we finished the roughly 11 hour season over two days. Now I can re-watch it with Bronwen and lend it to Pat. To be honest, I’d seen up to the second season before, but I was too stoned to remember most of it.
Darren also gave me a nice tea container. It’s rather large, since I buy my tea 50mg at a time, but better too big than too small. He also got me some chai tea, considered a wellness blend. When I asked him what for, he couldn’t give me a reason. I love gifts for no reason.
We shared our tattoo ideas, and his was the Chinese character for love on his back. Darren and Bronwen are the some of the few people I can talk openly with about love. We’re such hopeless romantics. We tell each other that we’ll never be married, not to be self-depracating, but to be honest with ourselves. We have our ideals, and we’ll never settle for anything less. It’s comforting to know that we’re not alone in our quixotic beliefs.
The orange flaming ball that the dragon is playing with on your container is the Pearl of Wisdom (ju). Someone else will have to fill you in on the rest of the symbology on the dragon chasing the pearl, but I know that’s it. It’s probably a Buddhist thing. Has to do with Qi, etc.
It’s the same pearl that they hold up like a rotating ball on a wand in front of the dragon-carrier guys in the New Year’s Parade.
Here here for hopeless quixotics.
A stranger has read this and finds it interesting.
Seriously, a complete stranger. I was googling for instances where others have just stopped enjoying marijuana and gave up the “lifestyle,” and found this blog. After reading all the entries pertaining to that subject until I realized that this is pretty interesting reading and decided to read a whole lot more.
@Xibee — Wow…I love how you can teach me about my culture. Now I’m all curious about this Pearl of Wisdom, and I’ll have to read up on it further. Ju in Chinese means “something small and polished”, so I’m guessing that’s what it refers to. I never even noticed that it was on the rotating ball in those parades. That’s what I love about the Chinese culture; there’s so much rich history to it.
@Stranger — Thanks for your kind words. I didn’t really stop enjoying marijuana :) but I knew that it was bad for me and I didn’t like what I became while on it. Was it as hard for you to give up as it was for me?
That chai shot is interesting. Any chai I’ve seeen is much more homogenous — except for a tibetan one I had in amsterdam — it had something that looked like an avocado pit in it. And it smelt more like farm runoff than chai — some very odd spices.
I’ve never seen the ingredients of a chai blend actually. I had a chai latte once, but it was made for me at a restaurant, and it had a very similar aroma to the one
There may have been some “extra” things in there if you were in Amsterdam. :)