A Quiet St. Patty's Among Others

Thumbnail: Old film Canon
Thumbnail: Lindsay's place
Thumbnail: Darren
Thumbnail: Lindsay
Thumbnail: Incense
Thumbnail: Digsby the cat
Thumbnail: Candelabra
Thumbnail: Scrabble game
Thumbnail: The look

Darren and I had orig­i­nal­ly planned on dri­ving up togeth­er, but the tim­ing did­n’t work out, so we arrived when we could and played it by ear. Bronny was the point of my vis­it, while Darren was there to see Lindsay. After a dri­ving from pub to pub, each one full of St. Patty’s day partiers adorned with green horns and hold­ing green pints, the four of us end­ed up at a small restau­rant, and even­tu­al­ly at Lindsay’s house.

It was Bronny who made the most inter­est­ing com­ment to me after­wards. “Darren needs to be with someone…deep”, she said, “Someone intel­lec­tu­al”. I still won­der what made her think so. What did we talk about? As far as I could remem­ber, there was no par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ing dis­cus­sion, just a bunch of us hang­ing out.

But she was right.

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