The House And Associated Promises

Thumbnail: Outside front of my house

So this is where I live now: an attached con­do­mini­um town­house. My unit is sec­ond from the right, and goes under­ground. The white win­dows fac­ing out on the main floor are part of the break­fast nook. There are still box­es every­where though, and it’ll take at least half a month to get every­thing cleared out.

It feels good to wake up in my own house, and as such, I now have to ful­fill all the promis­es I made to myself on the sat­is­fac­tion of such a con­di­tion.

  • I promise to floss every day.
  • I promise to vac­u­um more often than I did before (how non-com­mit­tal of me).
  • I promise to smoke less weed.
  • I promise to stop pour­ing cook­ing grease down the drain.
  • I promise to film Dolly run­ning her fat ass up the stairs (she nev­er expe­ri­enced stairs until I moved).
  • I promise to walk more often than I ride the bus.
  • I promise to get my finances in order, which involves enter­ing all my incomes and expens­es into Quicken XG then set­ting up (vir­tu­al) sav­ings accounts for retirement/emergency/pleasure spend­ing.
  • I promise to keep my room spot­less.
  • I promise to read more than I watch movies.


  1. What a beau­ti­ful place! You don’t see a lot of that kind of archi­tec­ture any­more.

  2. Uhhhhh…the house was built less than ten years ago.

  3. What exact­ly are you notic­ing in the archi­tec­ture?

    I’m some­what of an archi­tec­ture fanat­ic myself and am just curi­ous.

  4. I’ll hold you to those

  5. I haven’t read enough of your archives to know.. so I’ll ask.. have you kept your promis­es?

  6. Hahah…let me do an update as of 20/09/05:

    -haven’t been floss­ing con­sis­tent­ly yet
    ‑I’ve been vac­u­um­ing more than before
    ‑I’ve quit the weed
    ‑been putting my cook­ing grease in jars that I throw out when they get full
    ‑have yet to catch Dolly run­ning up the stairs with my dig­i­tal video cam­era
    ‑I’ve stopped tak­ing the bus com­plete­ly
    ‑my finances are rel­a­tive­ly in 0rder
    ‑my room is gen­er­al­ly spot­less now, unless I get real­ly busy
    ‑I haven’t watched many movies late­ly, so I sort of read more by default (although it’s still not much)

    Actually, I most­ly for­got about this list, so I should do anoth­er update in six months

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