Running Down

I left work about halfway through the day. A sharp pain was start­ing to devel­op on the sides of my head, and I was gen­er­al­ly sore all over. Even while chew­ing or swal­low­ing, there was a tremen­dous pres­sure from the head of my mandibu­lar condyle to the inner ear. Most like­ly, I was start­ing to run myself down; the last time I felt like this was after an all-night shift at the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy, and I end­ed up run­ning a fever and miss­ing two days of work there. Shirley con­vinced me to take an extra strength Tylenol (with codeine), which is some­thing I rarely do. I’ve always believed in pay­ing atten­tion to the pain sig­nals that the body gives off.

Trolley and I, with the assis­tance of Aaron, moved a sig­nif­i­cant por­tion of chat­tel through the week, trans­lat­ing into late nights and mis­er­able days. Every pre­vi­ous night, I’d ver­bal­ly con­sid­er sleep­ing in the next day know­ing how hard it would be, and as Trolley not­ed, I’d nev­er end up doing so. Even this morn­ing I could­n’t sleep, so I got to work at ten past sev­en, more than half an hour ear­ly. It’s good to know that I was able to be stronger men­tal­ly than phys­i­cal­ly, some­thing that has always been dif­fi­cult for me to bal­ance. Usually it feels like my body is giv­ing out first, but after­wards, I real­ize that I could have han­dled more. This time, my body is actu­al­ly telling me that I’m over­worked. I think the key is con­vinc­ing myself that phys­i­cal dis­com­fort is just a tem­po­rary feel­ing that can be ignored.

It’ll all be worth it once I’m set­tled down, which will most like­ly not be until I get my clos­et doors installed. I’m replac­ing my white ones with mir­rors, and since the clos­et runs the entire width of the wall, they all need to be cus­tom sized. It’s the last thing that’ll be done before I real­ly feel like I’m in my own home. The mir­rors should make the room look twice as big and appro­pri­ate­ly dark­er. I got the quote today, and it’s just under two grand, tax in, includ­ing instal­la­tion. I decid­ed to go ahead with it, since it’s actu­al­ly cheap­er than I expect­ed, so they should be arriv­ing in 6 to 14 days.

Next week is hair­cut, get­ting cus­tom-fit­ted venet­ian blinds, Christine’s birth­day din­ner, and a lot of unpack­ing.


  1. Get well soon and take it easy, ok? :)

  2. Bummer! Kick back and take it easy. Best med­i­cine for all that ails: 4 oz grape­fruit juice, 4 oz 100 proof vod­ka, healthy dash of salt, crushed ice. After one or two you’ll feel great…or won’t care.

    When you’re up to it, 2 things:
    1 — The cur­rent date under your ban­ner is not work­ing. Shows Sat 4/2 and it is now Sun 4/3.

    2 — Is your hot­mail acct still active and used? I sent msg with ques­tions, but got no reply. Maybe you just don’t want to engage in exchange?

  3. 1 — Depending on where some­one is in the world, with the time zone dif­fer­ences and all, one may see a very dif­fer­ent date stamp from their own actu­al date. The date stamp is used to give a rela­tion on what day it is for me, since I’m the one post­ing entries.

    2 — The e‑mail thing is real­ly weird, because I haven’t received any­thing. Usually I get an e‑mail noti­fi­ca­tion when some­one posts from Movable Type, but I did­n’t get one from the address. This has only hap­pened once before, so I haven’t been able to trou­bleshoot it, but I sus­pect that it would be a fault with Hotmail if you’ve tried to e‑mail me direct­ly. You can try my Gmail account instead:

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