One Of Those Days

I’m hav­ing one of those days, actu­al­ly, one of those weeks where I can’t seem to write any­thing down. I have all these ideas float­ing around in my head with­out the words to fol­low through. Maybe it’s because I don’t exact­ly know what I’m feel­ing, like a bit­ter­sweet mix in the palate, or an indis­tin­guish­able taste. For once I’ve start­ed to take con­trol of things, start­ed to be pro-active instead of reac­tive. Started lis­ten­ing to hope­ful, inspir­ing, ener­getic music. I’ve real­ized that I have the abil­i­ty to point my life in the direc­tion I want to go, that I can’t rely on oth­ers to make me hap­py, that I can start liv­ing for myself now.

And it’s all new to me.

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