Halloween '04

Thumbnail: Halloween Super Troopers

Last year, I went to a Halloween par­ty dressed as a Super Trooper with Aaron and Wheaties (I have only recent­ly acquired the image), and wound up being drunk out of my skull. I tried not to make the same mis­take this year, and see­ing as how I don’t real­ly drink any­more, it was­n’t much of a prob­lem.

Thumbnail: Place settings at Aaron's and Karen's

Instead, Aaron and Karen host­ed a small gath­er­ing, which I attend­ed, where home­made chick­en pot pie was served, and no one dressed in cos­tume.

Thumbnail: Halloween doughnuts with bat sprinkles

Tim Hortons is doing its sea­son­al dough­nut, which is a funky look­ing dough­nut with bat and pump­kin sprin­kles.

Thumbnail: Cheat pumpkin carving

Unfortunately, I had to miss out on a pump­kin carv­ing par­ty, due to a fair­ly stress­ful week caus­ing a lack of desire to social­ize. Trolley did the Cheat from Homestar Runner, and it turned out pret­ty well.

One comment

  1. those are awe­ful­ly phal­ic salt and pep­per shak­ers, if thats what those are. I’m sor­ry i could­nt make it *winks*

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