Party At The Girls' House

I hate hate hate hate hate being hung over. It nev­er ends up being worth it the day after. I should get that idea ingrained on the inside of my eye­lids to remind me. I don’t do hang­overs well, and it usu­al­ly takes me an entire day to recov­er.

The Halloween par­ty at Em’s, Sheri’s, and Christine’s was still great though. I can’t believe how many peo­ple showed up in full cos­tume. Jessie went as Frank the bun­ny from Donnie Darko in full fuck­ing get­up, faux fur suit and all. Tom and Mel went as a priest and preg­nant nun respec­tive­ly, both cos­tumes home­made. Aaron, Wheaties, and I actu­al­ly found some last minute match­ing Super Trooper uni­forms (sans epaulettes), com­plete with hand guns, rifles, badges, ties, cuffs, and Trooper shades.

It feels good to be attract­ed again. It lets me know that I’m not so numb or intol­er­ant any­more. Is it just me that’s changed, or sim­ply the cir­cum­stances? I don’t know.

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