Morning By The Elgin

I was on my way to catch­ing the bus to work this morn­ing, when I passed by a fan­cy restau­rant filled with patrons at the cor­ner of Elgin and Slater. The patrons were all peo­ple past mid­dle age, enjoy­ing con­ver­sa­tions over break­fast, dain­ti­ly eat­ing their bacon, and tak­ing cau­tious sips of their sun­shine joe.

The first thought in my head was, “How could any­one be so hap­py at such an ungod­ly hour?”. Then I held my thoughts (along with my peev­ish mood) in check, and won­dered to myself. Perhaps they spent the night embrac­ing the warmth of anoth­er’s body, hud­dled togeth­er against the chill of the open night air. Perhaps they were think­ing of their lovers, and could feel noth­ing but strength, think noth­ing but hap­pi­ness. And I liked that expla­na­tion.

It’s all enough to make one smile at any time of day.

One comment

  1. That will be you in 15 years, and you will love it :)

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