There’s been a laptop craze going around lately, with Tom’s purchase of a used Powerbook, Nick’s job financed Travelmate 800, and Wheaties’s gift financed iBook. All the recent laptop purchases has made everyone else zealous. Both Aaron and Trolley are thinking about the purchase of one now, and I’ve already been sucked in.
Next week I’ll be ordering a Sager 5680 notebook, which I’ll be replacing my current desktop with. It has great specs, the only downfalls being a short battery life (which I can live with) and a rather large size/weight (which I’m willing to deal with). I’ll be getting the P4 3.0 GHz HT processor (woooo!), the 15″ UXGA TFT screen, the wireless LAN, and 60GB hard drive options. The best thing is that it comes with a ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 Pro (Pro!) which hasn’t quite started it’s product cycle in North America yet. I’ll be looking forward to dual head display, being able to attend LANs without needing a ride, and possible digital speaker output (which I have yet to take advantage of).