It Was The Gentle Waves

Access to my con­trol pan­el, my data­base, and my scripts has been tem­porar­i­ly dis­abled. Apparently, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of a musi­cal group has con­tact­ed my host in regards to an mp3 I have stored. Instead of con­tact­ing me first, the rep­re­sen­ta­tive decid­ed to bring the issue up with my host. I would have been fine with remov­ing the mp3 from my site if I was sim­ply asked. I real­ized that it was a vio­la­tion of my terms of ser­vice, but I did­n’t think that any­one ever vis­it­ed this site, so I had the song for archival pur­pos­es. Now, I have no way of updat­ing my con­tent, in what has become my main heal­ing medi­um. I can­not be slowed by this, and even though it feels as though I have no means of expres­sion or com­mu­ni­ca­tion, I still feel the need to write.

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