Leave it to a single phone call to fill me with worry. Now I’m anxious about my marks, my mid-terms, my projects, my graduation, my life. Pat gave me a pep-talk yesterday, and it helped. Graduation seems uncomfortably close. I’m dying to know how the story ends.
Patrick was nice enough to come up to me and start a conversation the other day. I asked him how his work was going, and he told that he’s really enjoying it. He let me know that the Montage project in becoming really big, and they might be looking for more workers, and that if I send Chau my resumé and let him know that I can work full-time during the summer, I might be able to get a job in development, instead of informatics.
God, my sentences are becoming more and more structured like something Henry James would have written, although I’m sure I’m not able to be as descriptive, or as brilliant, since he’s a well renowned author infamous for being garrulous, whereas I’m simply a computer science student, only able to write when necessary.
There seem to be a few Five Alive flavours on the market, such as “Tropical”, “Citrus”, or “Peach Passion”, but none taste as good as “Berry”. Aaron, Trolley, and I all agree that it tastes like Skittles. The juice from concentrate has a slightly varying taste from the one in the bottle; I find the latter to be a little more tart and a little sweeter.
I’m getting a new Intellimouse Explorer sent to me via snail mail, thanks to Trolley. I called up Microsoft, told them that my mouse button was double-clicking when it should have single-clicked (as instructed by Trolley), and they told me that they would send a new one, free of charge. I don’t even need to send my current one back. I got my current one four years ago, and I remember spending $100 on it. The pads of it have been worn out unevenly, causing a noticeable wobble. The latest design of the Intellimouse Explorer has a lower, sleeker profile, and more easily accessible thumb buttons. Yay.
After talking with my geology professor I feel dumb as fuck. I almost failed my mid-term; my mark was the second lowest in the class, even with a generous grade curve. I think I did considerably well, considering the fact that I had three mid-terms that day, and the fact that I find my mind to be dead when I have my Tuesday lectures after a 7:30am lab. Apparently, I have very little common sense. Although I know that zinc is the main ingredient is sunscreen, or that soft-drinks contain carbon, I don’t know that nitrogen is an important element in fertilizer or that graphite is a popular industrial lubricant. The list of what I don’t know goes on and on. I had no fucking clue that baking soda is sodium bicarbonate. To my prof, all of this is general knowledge, so it’s assumed when dealing with the course. I was never good at chemistry, and my programme of studies isn’t even close to related. I also took the prerequisite at the beginning of university, which is four years ago. Fuck.